Future technology: Windows calculator learns to pay | NZZ


The Windows 10 calculator has failed until here in simple arithmetic problems with square roots. Now, Microsoft has given software tutoring.

Jochen Siegle

In fact, the fastest way to get the root of a number is to enter the calculator. The Microsoft Windows 10 computing program, however, really struggled with that.

A miscalculation in the application of the giant Redmonder software stubbornly caused the calculator to present a bad solution for the simplest tasks of the square root. Now the American company was able to solve the problem that caused a mockery for the first time already in June 2016.

Bug corrected after two years

Until now, the Windows 10 application computed by example √4 – 2 therefore, not zero, but -1.068281969439142e-19.

That the troubleshooting took so long, the Microsoft developers of the calculator program now not only swept the table, but wore it with the version – specifically in the form of T – Chemises with l '; -1.068281969439142e-19 label, as the development team helped to announce the innovation during an internal event

Incorrect results resulted in a rounding error in the calculation of the square root of perfect squares and roots. Now the calculations are accurate, but apparently take a few milliseconds longer.

Even Apple has problems

With the good arithmetic not only Microsoft has its difficulties, but also other technology giants: Last year, the calculator failed Apple iOS 11 for the simple add-on tasks, if users typed the numbers not very slowly.

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