Gabalier lets him crack |


Around 2,500 visitors watched the SRF program "Donnschtig-Jass" at the Postrondell ground in Saas-Fee last night. The highlight of the program was the performance of Austrian singer Andreas Gabalier.

Saas-Fee is a peaceful place in summer. But with the arrival of Donnschtig-Jass and his followers, Andreas Gabalier and his supporters came. While the responsible people write in a message, the fans occupy the area at noon and follow the rehearsals from 13h. At 3:20 pm Gabalier came on stage for the performance test, the audience received him with a thunderous applause. The Austrian joked and sang a good twenty minutes, the dress rehearsal at 4 pm went on without him. The program was recorded live from 8:05 pm to 9:40 pm

After the end of the program, Gabalier sang Hulapalu a cappela with the audience and distributed autograph cards. But his fans did not want to let him go – he had to be escorted to the hotel with a police escort.

2,500 visitors were expected and this figure was reached, says Klaus Habegger, president of the Saas-Fee / Saas Valley Hotel Association. The 300 benches on the area were occupied, many visitors stood, even on the hill adjacent to the curious Rondell. Habegger was not surprised: "In mid-July, the summer season is running at full speed, many guests were already on the spot. However, the program with Gabalier was an extra magnet – the valley is currently full.

As of Tuesday, about 40 people from Swiss television were working together with volunteers on site to settle down. "Nearly 100 assistants helped with construction and the festival," said Bernd Kalbermatten, community writer and president of the CO, Donnschtig-Jass von Saas-Fee

pd / msu

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