Capcom will present Devil May Cry 5 and the remake of the classic survival horror Resident Evil 2 on gamescom 2018 in Cologne. However, Capcom does not have its own stand, but will present both games on the Xbox stand in Hall 8.
"Players will fight Nero on the streets of Red Grave at gamescom in a first release In addition, director Hideaki Itsuno will participate in gamescom and will sign autographs on stage, as well as Devil May Cry 5 on stage. " Devil May Cry 5 will be released on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One debut 2019
[19659002"LestandXboxproposeraégalementdesplaystationspourtesterlaréinterprétationrécemmentannoncéeduclassiqueSurvivalEvil2deSurvivalEvil2deCapcomrendantlejeupublicenEuropepourlapremièrefoisUnâgeminimumde18ansestexigéenraisondesrestrictionsdeclassificationd'âgeetàgamescomlesjoueurspeuventrevivrequelques-unsdesmomentslesplusemblématiquesdelasérieResidentEvil-s'ilsaccompagnentLéonauRPDlepremierjourexplorezlepostedepoliceavecluietcherchezunmoyendesortirdececauchemar" The remake of Resident Evil 2 will be released in German on January 25, 2019 for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
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