Gartner: PC market resumes for the first time in the world since 2012


  Moving to Windows 10 in the business area has immediate hardware implications.
The transition to Windows 10 in the commercial sector has an immediate impact on hardware.
Photo: wavebreakmedia –

Overall, 62.1 According to Gartner analyst Mikako Kitagawa, Mikako Kitagawa, a Gartner analyst, said the company's demand was offsetting growth and offsetting the decline in business. deliveries from private companies. However, recovery can not be discussed yet.

In addition, changed usage patterns of private customers, who now prefer to do a lot with a smartphone instead of a PC, To create manufacturers, Kitagawa said. In the corporate sector, demand will weaken in two years if companies have largely replaced their hardware when migrating to Windows 10. Kitagawa advises that PC vendors should look for ways to support growth on the market. business market.

Worldwide, Lenovo dominates the market with a share of 21.9%, exceeding after the acquisition of Fujitsu Fujitsu competitors HP HP (also 21.9% market share) with a minimal lead of about 12,000 PCs sold. Ranked third Dell Dell (16.8% of market share), followed by Apple (7.1%) and Acer (6.4% share of market).
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In Europe, Africa and the Middle East, sales in the traditionally weak quarter of 17.4 million PCs sold increased by 1.3%. ! (DPA / rs)

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