Gilliéron does not think about resigning


LOOK : Peter Gilliéron, what do Swiss fans remember about this World Cup final?
Peter Gilliéron:
I hope that it is the athletic appearances and the qualifiers for the knockout stages. But after what has happened in recent days, it will probably be the discussion on double citizens. Today, I can say: We are sorry for what happened, we made mistakes and we apologize for it. I hope it brings a little relaxation in the discussion. It is important to point out that there are no reservations about players from immigration.

This is an authorized interview of the Secretary General. Since it is assumed that this has been agreed internally?
I saw the interview only briefly, before she did so. The Secretary-General, in an effort to better protect A-Nati citizens with dual nationality, wanted to start a discussion that was not so blessed from above. At the wrong time and in an already emotionally troubled environment. I understand that people feel discredited by this. In the context of integration, the whole discussion has a great significance far beyond professional football in that such an initiative must be broadly based. And that was not the case.

The control mechanisms failed. What does the association learn from this incident?
We will thoroughly analyze this World Cup final, looking closely at the division of roles.

Will the case have any consequences for Alex Miescher?
With Alex in private, I discussed all the essentials so far. There will be more discussions. But this will at most have consequences in terms of distribution of roles. Not in other ways.

Is it advisable for such an important association to have a president and a delegate of the national team in voluntary service? Should not create more professional structures there
These are considerations we make ourselves. And that will be part of our detailed analysis

There will be a pro
As I said, we will analyze and then decide.

Let's move on to the Double Eagle Affair, which annoyed the fans tremendously. It has been known for months on the explosiveness of this game. Have not you sensitized the players in advance?
In retrospect, you can see it that way. Overall, however, this soup was not eaten as hot as it was cooked by some people. I did not find it so serious.

Many people in the country already!
In my environment, we rather held the opinion: Let them do it. Well, how do you focus on football! That the Swiss population is divided in this matter, but it is a fact. In the end, it is important that players give everything for the national team. And they did that.

One could have stopped once and for all the provocations with a suspension and a clear position.
I think we responded correctly. Fifa dealt with the case, gave a verdict and we accepted that. For me, that's the case.

Granite Xhaka strongly criticized Miescher in an interview with Secretary General Alex . Can we tolerate that?
Everyone is allowed to express their opinion. I have sympathy, because the statements of Alex Miescher can indeed be misinterpreted.

The so-called star players of the team ignored the warnings on the Serbia match, and Granit Xhaka gives such an interview. Does he dance on the nose of the Naticoach and the bosses of the association?
I do not have this impression at all

<img src = "" alt = "The boss of the association (left) wants to analyze in depth the finals of the World Cup.

The head of the federation (l.) Wants to analyze in depth the finals of the World Cup. TOTO MARTI

Are there consequences for Xhaka?
Players are now on vacation. If we find ourselves together, we will definitely look for the conversation again. Not only with granite, but also with the advice of the players

Have you mentally lost too much energy in the match against Serbia?
This will also be part of our analysis. For this we need a certain distance.

The Nati lost in qualifying against Portugal, bloody and silent. She won only two group matches out of eight in the final under the direction of Vladimir Petkovic. In important games, the team fails systematically. Why?
Speaking of crucial moments, we must also mention the first game against the champions of Europe, which we won 2-0, then the playoffs against Northern Ireland. If we lose them, we will not be on the last lap. I also want to take a step forward, of course. But if you had offered me 2006: You can become world champion, but then you disappear and you are never at a final tournament, so I would prefer the current situation in the sense of continuity. For an association, stability and continuity are more important than a single uplighter.

But the players have big goals. Are you overestimating?
As an athlete, you must set yourself such high goals. They can still prove that they have set themselves these goals. And as I said: Three-eighth finals at last three successive tournaments, I consider it a success

  Whether you have the players in the post-sensitization too little sensitized, you can see, said Gilliéron

We can not see that we did not sensitize the players in retrospect, Gilliéron said. TOTO MARTI

The national team has a total of 20 good years behind it. But the support of the population will collapse. Has the association sold too badly?
The relationship with fans is extremely dependent on success. We want the country to identify with the Nati. We will also talk about that.

Is Vladimir Petkovic a good ambassador for Swiss football?
He is definitely a good coach. It's in the foreground. If we were a perfect ambassador but that he failed, we would not be satisfied.

Prefer an effective coach rather than a good ambassador?
There are many ambassadors. He is a good coach and a good ambassador.

Was the renewal of the contract with him?
Yes. We have faith in him.

I do not name names

Other countries have changed coaches in qualifying and stand with these new impulses in the World Cup final.
You will always find counterexamples. I'm happy for Croatia

A small football country like Switzerland. Envious?
Of course, it is wonderful for Croatia. I'm happy for the president of the association Davor Suker, who is a good colleague of mine

  Gilliéron says that the relationship with fans depends on success.

Gilliéron says that the relationship with fans is focused on success. Benjamin Soland

Why did Vladimir Petkovic immerse himself after leaving?
He left his comment after leaving the homepage of the association. He did not say anything. But it is true that he has not given any extra date to Swiss journalists.

In recent weeks, there is the impression that Swiss football is a disaster. Did it put a lot of pressure on the president?
I did not enter a shard and now I stand and say: No, it was not good. We apologize.

Have you personally thought about resigning?
Of course, there are moments more beautiful and fun than those of the president. But the answer is clear.

What is the next step? Iceland and Belgium are waiting in the League of Nations.
First comes the analysis of the World Cup. And then the League of Nations and the qualifiers for the European Championship are waiting. The draw is in December.

Switzerland was at the beginning of the World Cup the number 6 of the World Ranking Fifa . Are we here?
Fortunately, this ranking is being revised. We had a position that we do not really have right now

What are we?
We were among the last 16 teams at the World Cup. That's where we belong. Somewhere between the 10th and the 16th place

Published 13.07.2018 | Last update 12 minutes ago

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