"Glass": Finally the first trailer of the sequel to "Unbreakable" and "Split"! – News from the cinema


After several teasers, the first long excerpt of Mr. Night Shyamalan's mysterious new thriller "Glass" with James McAvoy, Samuel L. Jackson and Bruce Willis is out. The wait was worth it …

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After a mysterious drama that became a super-hero movie ("Unbreakable"), and a kidnapping thriller that turned out to be the "Unbreakable" ("Split") sequel, Mr. Night Shyamalan performs his unusual The trilogy with "Glass" ends now and leaves the protagonists of the first two parts with the psychiatrist. Ellie Staple (Sarah Paulson): Kevin Wendell Crumb (James McAvoy), the man of many personalities, David Dunn (Bruce Willis), who became aware of his indestructibility in "Unbreakable" – and Elijah Price (Samuel L. Jackson) whose vitreous bone disease gives its title to the film. Mr. Glass is likely to keep a dark secret still …

No questions were asked of Mr. Night Shyamalan as often as after a sequel to "Unbreakable", a movie that developed over the years a cult church. As a result, it was appreciated that the known for its Shyamalan twists at the end of "Split" has surprisingly repelled the bow. From 17. January 2019 viewers of German cinemas can find out if the director has succeeded with "Glass", a successor (more) worthy of "Unbreakable"

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