Gmelin wins oars-Wimbledon – look


Skiff world champion Jeannine Gmelin shows her class at the Henley Royal Regatta in East London. The Zuricher wins the "Princess Queen Cup" with three lengths ahead of the Australian Madeleine Edmunds. Unlike other competitions, the noble regatta is practiced in KO mode. Also different: the racecourse. Normally Gmelin rolls in a competition 2000 meters. 112 meters more competing on the Thames.

Gmelin gave up the Swiss championship in consultation with his association for the prestigious race: "I wanted to create new motivations and learn as much as possible."
in the first week of July from Wednesday to Sunday is held. For comparison: at Wimbledon, you only play since 1877.

At the Henley Royal Regatta, there is a very strict dress code. Men must wear a tie or bow tie, jeans and shorts are not allowed. The latter is also true for women, and the pants are taboo anyway. The hem of the skirts must also be below the knee level. Gmelin is prepared for this: "I took a beautiful dress with me, and also a hat with it."

This dress could present her at the awards ceremony. an exceptional condition for two good years, she has been unbeaten since her fifth place at the Rio Olympics, and she wants to maintain this timidity at the European Championships in Glasgow on August 1. There, she is one of the most Favorites

Posted on 09.07.2018 | Last modified 23 minutes ago

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