"Granite Xhaka lets me sit on my hunger" – News Football World Cup: Swiss Nati


Who will win the round of 16: Switzerland or Sweden?
Chances are 50:50. I really can not recognize a favorite

Why not?
On the one hand, we have a surprising Swedish team that I did not expect at this level. Maybe she's baffled. She plays with the known qualities of the Scandinavian teams: very, very well organized, very solid, very disciplined, very compact, she is ready to suffer, she is difficult to upset. It's defensive, not individual, but collective. But when she has the ball, she often makes a good impression. She's better than you think. The goal against Germany is a demonstration of their qualities

What is the key to Switzerland?
It's relatively easy. She has to play the game because Sweden will be pretty deep. She has to find spaces, so she has to do what is so difficult in football. Is Switzerland able to do that? I do not know And if you ask for the key, it should not make mistakes. If she lost the ball, you will see a Swede who responds very quickly.

This means that Switzerland must not fall behind.
It would be a catastrophic scenario. For example, what did the Germans suffer against them? Do the Swiss have the offensive potential of the Germans to turn a game? No, I do not think so

Is the offensive the weakness of Switzerland?
I would not speak of weakness but of a point of questioning. Switzerland has not yet convinced me in terms of cheerfulness. There were good phases, 30 minutes, 20 minutes, maybe a half-time against Serbia. And if I take the friendly matches in Spain and against Japan, I have not yet seen offensively that Switzerland is a great team.

Xherdan Shaqiri is the offensive player with the greatest talent. ,.
. , , Yes , .

. ,, will depend on him even more on Tuesday than usual?
If he wants to make a difference alone, it will be very, very difficult. Because he's just going to find rooms. If he played an opponent, the second is ready immediately. And when he played the second, the third is there. ,, Shaqiri needs players next to her to improve her performance.

In Switzerland, we would be limited in the selection of players How would you offer the offensive if you were coach?
So what choice do we have? We do not need to discuss Shaqiri. The front center? Seferovic will not play in my opinion. Gavranovic has certain qualities, but with him there is a difference, whether he is a substitute or a regular player. He was invisible to Costa Rica when he started the match.

He had only eleven bullets in an hour
But the good striker does three good things on eleven balls. And if it does not prevail against Costa Rica, I have doubts if it can do it against Sweden. Who then as center before? Drmic? He had two very good scenes against Costa Rica. So why not him at the front?

And who should play in the number 10 position? Dzemaili?
A very good option is Shaqiri. In this position he would have more balls than on the side. He also feels comfortable here. Petkovic must think about it

Who do you bring to the pages?
Embolo is right, Zuber may have left. But again, we are not France. We do not have such a selection of players that we could talk about for almost an hour.

Nevertheless, Switzerland is in the eighth finals. Are you surprised? Or did you think she was capable of that?
After the draw, I thought: It's hard. I would not have put all my fortune on Switzerland to go ahead. So, she has already done something important, something that has not only been given.

"I would not have put all my fortune on Switzerland to advance."

The team itself was only the minimum goal. She wants more now.
All the better. It's the mentality of the winners. Not the mentality of little Switzerland.

Who are the special winners for you?
Number 1 Behrami, with his personality and dedication. Number 2 Lichtsteiner, despite everything.

Still, what?
You can say what you want, you can say that his achievements are average. Yes, they are not exceptional. But his personality makes him a winner. And with his style, he forces the players around him to achieve his professionalism.

So, do you miss Sweden?
Of course. His lock is a handicap. He is missing because of his mentality and also as a player. Lang is not bad, but he has never heard of the tribe in the national team. It's a big difference to have no pressure as a number 2, or to be a player in the eighth finals in a World Cup. I have my doubts about knowing he's really going to be better than Lichtsteiner. I can only hope for Switzerland.

We have been with the winners. Who else is in this relationship? Summer, Xhaka?
Summer yes, less because of its nature or its statements. But I like him a lot, as a goalkeeper, as a personality. He radiates calm, he plays with confidence, he does not panic when he has the ball on his foot and is under pressure.

And Xhaka?
It's still a half-disappointment.

He lets me sit on my hunger. It's like in the restaurant. You get your plate, everything looks good. But as soon as you have a bite in your mouth, you realize that it's not what you expected.

He was strong against Serbia in the second half. ,.
. , but is it enough for three games? No, not for a player of his level. I expect more from him. That's my problem with him.

Is there an explanation why it is not yet the best Xhaka?
He plays Arsenal, a great European club. But did he take the next step? Not really. Yes, he was playing, under Wenger, who had brought him. He would have played less with another coach because he did not perform well. He was more average than he was good, which is similar to the Swiss team.

"Switzerland in the quarterfinals? Then, she can dream of becoming world champion."

The fact that he was the player with the most Premier League passes last season do not change notice
These are statistics that interest me very, very little.I could put another player in Xhaka's position, and he would get the same number of passes.This has to do with the game of Arsenal, especially at home.Lots of passes left, right, about eight, ten, twelve meters.But what interests me more, it's a player who takes more responsibility, who takes the game, who beats more risky, harder passes, who eliminates one, two, three opponents – I'd like to see that.

As the Gavranovic's 2-1 victory against Shaqiri against Serbia?
Exactly! Xhaka needs to do more, mentally too. He must not be content with his zo If not, it will not be the player as you expect.

What is it for you? Still, a winner?
Yes. Nor can we fall to the other extreme. If you are not a winner, you do not play at Arsenal. He is one of three, four players who must wear the national team

What impression do you make Vladimir Petkovic ?
Up to now, he's doing a great job. He manages to manage different mentalities. That his roots are also there, where they have a lot of players, in the Balkans, certainly helped him. He can better understand the players. They feel close to him.

Does he also better understand how Xhaka and Shaqiri encouraged Serbia because of its origins?
Perhaps he reacted in the same way as I did on television.
I was a little shocked because the gesture does not symbolize my country. But I then tried to put myself in their position. One must never forget that they are human, that they are young and that they do not have the experience of a 60 year old man. They responded emotionally, and their story can be understood with the story of their parents and the provocation they suffered.

And Petkovic?
When he returned to the cabin, he certainly did not think it was awesome. He was already thinking about how he wanted to communicate now to protect harmony in the team.

He simply said that we should not mix politics and football.
Very good!

He gets the best out of this team?
When you think about the human resources available to you, you have to be happy. Now, it's up to him and the players to play a part of his future. The round of 16 is the minimum you want. It's done, well, but the minimum remains. You must do more now.

And if Switzerland qualifies for the quarter-finals?
So she does not need to set limits. She can dream. He can dream of becoming world champion

World Champion of Switzerland – it would be a title.
The U-17 has already realized this, 2009. Who would have thought that at the time?


created: 01.07.2018, 22:01

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