Grindelwald's politics become increasingly critical


Berlin The criticism of DFB President Reinhard Grindel and team manager Oliver Bierhoff is growing. Cem Özdemir, a green politician, has begun a conversation with the head of the German Football Federation. "We urgently need a revival of sports policy at the DFB, with new faces," he wrote in a commentary for the weekly Die Zeit.

Earlier, the chairman of the Central Council of Muslims, Aiman ​​Mazyek, demanded: "Bierhoff and Grindel must resign if they have learned nothing else in their long career:" You lose like Özil "instead of" you lose in team ".

After the World Cup of the German national football team Bierhoff and Grindel Week in the distance interviews of the national player Mesut Özil reveals. Özdemir accused of "internal cowardice." "This association has been deceived in the Cause Özil since the beginning," wrote the politician: "For weeks, Özil has already become a scapegoat. You must defend yourself against these accusations as well as against attacks from the right. "

Since mid-May, when Özil and his teammate Ilkay Gündogan were photographed with Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the debate continues.In addition to the sports crisis the national team has entered a game.

Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) questions in an interview with the "Zeit" on the communication: "Anyone at the DFB, where all intelligent and well-paid people are, should have made sure it does not degenerate. "

Former Federal Commissioner for Integration, Aydan Özoguz (SPD), warns of the long-term consequences. "The debate is already doing something weird," Özoguz told the German news agency in Berlin. The fact that the subject is boiled even after two months shows the atmosphere in which the debate is situated. "In recent years, many things have created tensions in German-Turkish relations and reservations on both sides," said the SPD politician.

Otherwise, Berlin politics with comments (always) back. "How the DFB treats the subject, the DFB must decide for itself," said a spokesman for the Federal Ministry of the Interior responsible for sport. A government spokesman joined but pointed out: "And besides, the following applies to the federal government: A team wins together and a team loses together." The German Olympic Sports Confederation, which also has football under its roof, did not comment

Does the power of sport integration suffer from discussions about Özil, Gündogan and photos with Erdogan ? In an interview with the "Welt", the former German international and current Commissioner for the integration of the DFB, Cacau, worries about this concern: "I hope that it will not hurt not at all integration work, especially in the amateur sector. " 19659002] Football is always a meeting place where people come together and where integration can succeed, said Cacau. "This should not be called into question by this discussion," said the original Brazilian, a German citizen since 2009. "There has been a situation that is upsetting many people, and you have to take seriously the opinions on the ground, especially if they are controversial and may not be what you want, "he said.

Even honorary captain Philipp Lahm, close to the DFB, particularly as ambassador for the European Championship nomination in 2024, was critical. He warned in the interview of "time" the mediation of clear rules in the national team. "Football is very important to us beyond the game. As a player, I have to know how to evolve within the German national team." Asked about his negligence, the 34-year-old said: " You could have done better. "[19659002] And it is not yet four months ago, Grindel praised the social importance of football at the highest level. At the presentation of the Prize of integration from the DFB in Berlin in March he said: "Integration work is a question of the future viability of our football." Today, it is more true than ever.

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