Gurtenfestival not yet sold out – music – culture


From Wednesday afternoon, several hundred festival enthusiasts gathered on the local Bern mountain to dance and celebrate. At the present time, there was still no crowd at the Gurtenbahn base station, as showed a visual inspection on the spot

The organizers have invested heavily this year to avoid overcrowding and overcrowding. Moreover, the festival is not complete at the beginning. New there is between concerts until half an hour break. In the afternoon, the concerts begin a little earlier – so as to avoid crowds as much as possible.

In addition, the area of ​​this year's festivals is almost twice as large as in previous years. The tent stadium is now located at the location of the campground

Beautiful festival time

The new cashless payment system should also bring more comfort. The last attempt without money risked the Gurtenfestival 2013. At that moment the system failed however already the first day of the service.

To hear again on Wednesday the virtual band "Gorillaz", and Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley – the youngest Scion of Bob Marley. Local heroes like "Hecht" and Steff la Cheffe also play their music.

Festival-goers are lucky with time. On Wednesday and Thursday, according to MeteoSwiss, it is pleasantly warm with a bit of bite. On Friday and Saturday it is hot with temperatures of up to 28 degrees Celsius. On Saturday nights, local thunderstorms and showers are possible. It is therefore advisable to keep the raincoat on hand.

Pilotage of used tickets

The Gurtenfestival pilot for the first time a window of opportunity. If you want to pass your ticket to someone after midnight or if you only stay three days instead of four, you can legally exchange your package for an exchange.

Prices may be agreed between exchangers. The project launched two female students. The counter is open every day from 22h to 15h30.

Festival guests can donate drinks and food to Radio RaBe this year. The money goes into the cultural and social projects of the local radio station.

Anyone who does not want to be on the Gurten from July 11th to 14th will still have reasons to rejoice. As every year, the "Geitus Gurte" – a four day celebration – takes place in the "Serene Flag" at the foot of Gurtens as a supplement or alternative to the festival.

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