HTC Exodus: manufacturer announces smartphone for Blockchain fans


Cat Trafficking on Board

The HTC Exodus is fast becoming the first Blockchain smartphone with a decentralized ecosystem. Now, the release of the smartphone for fall has been announced. Blockchain fans are also allowed to trade with virtual chats.

  The HTC Exodus is expected to come out this autumn in a
The HTC Exodus is expected to come out in the fall in an "Ealry Access" version. (Source: HTC)

For the Taiwanese smartphone maker HTC, it has not looked rosy for quite some time. Thus, have recently been announced the drop in sales and Google has already bought part of the workforce. In the middle of the crypto-boom, HTC then surprised with the ad on a blockchain smartphone called "Exodus" to work.

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Now, a possible publication period has been mentioned on the official website. In the third quarter, that is to say between July and September, the special smartphone will appear in an "early access" version. The dream of the team is to build a decentralized ecosystem.

CryptoKitties, Bitcoin wallet and trusted hardware in a smartphone

Each Exodus smartphone should not only be a "node" in the Ethereum and Bitcoin blockchain, but also serve as a universal wallet. Even in the crypto community known as "DApps", decentralized applications should work. Through various special protocols, buyers should also be able to work together on different block chains.

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Another ad is the cooperation with the game NFT "CryptoKitties". This game is based on non-fungible chips (NFT) and works with the Ethereum blockchain. You buy and sell virtual chats in this online game and deal simultaneously with the crypto currency "Ether".

But not only for the HTC Exodus, the game will appear, also on the HTC U12 + CryptoKitties will be released. When, however, is not clear, as well as the price and specifications of HTC Exodus.

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This article uses the keywords
HTC, Smartphone, Bitcoin, security and cryptocurrency.

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