Klopp is expecting a lot of Shaqiri in Liverpool


Xherdan Shaqiri officially joined Liverpool FC on Friday night. Coach Jürgen Klopp praises the third newcomer of the summer – and expects remarkable things.

  Soon in the colors of Liverpool: Xherdan Shaqiri. (Photo: Tolga Akmen / Reuters)

Soon in the colors of Liverpool: Xherdan Shaqiri. (Photo: Tolga Akmen / Reuters)

(sda) In the midfield, Liverpool strengthened a few weeks ago with Guinean Naby Keita (from Leipzig) and Brazilian Fabinho (from Monaco ). For the offensive, the options of last season, especially on the wing were rather rare. Therefore, Klopp's priority was to remedy this deficiency. Because Shaqiri can be used on both sides, the Swiss international can relieve the two starters Mohamed Salah and Sadio Mané. The bar is high: the duo added 64 goals and 25 assists last season.

Transfer fee of £ 13.5m is a good deal for Premier League. Therefore, Jürgen Klopp spoke of a "non-brain", that this transfer is understood. "If someone like him (Xherdan Shaqiri) is available, you have to react if you are smart – that's what we did."

For Shaqiri, he has been in the Bundesliga – he is coached by Dortmund, Shaqiri is a player from Bayern Munich – knows and admires, the German coach has much praise left. "He has the speed and many skills, he has the right dose of arrogance on the pitch, he has the guts to challenge the ball and influence things.To play with us, these are requirements mandatory. "

" There is someone who can make a big difference in a team. "

Shaqiri, the third Swiss player in Liverpool after Stephane Henchoz (1999 to 2005) and Philipp Degen (2008 to 2011), should make the "Reds" according to Klopp even more unpredictable by its versatility. "There is someone who can make a big difference in a team because he holds so many positions in our system. It also gives us more flexibility in how we can use existing players. "

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