Kubrick's lost scenario for the filming of Stefan Zweig discovered "kleinezeitung.at


The US-Regssieur worked according to "Guardian" in the 1950s on an adaptation of Stefan Zweig's novel "Burning Mystery". Reason for the failure of the project could be that the content was considered offensive in America prude.

18.45, July 16, 2018

One of Kubrick's most famous films: "2001: An Odyssey of Space" ] © APA

A long-lost scenario by the American cult director Stanley Kubrick apparently reappeared. As reported by the British "Guardian", it is an adaptation of the new "1945" by Stefan Zweig "Burning Mystery". The script was discovered by the expert Kubrick Nathan Abrams as part of his research for a new book about the filmmaker.

According to this scenario, the script belongs to the son of a former colleague of Kubrick. The director of cult bands like
"2001: A Space Odyssey" or "Eyes Wide Shut" wrote it with Calder Willingham. The screenplay is stamped by the MGM movie studio, dated October 24, 1956 – even before Kubrick's big breakthrough with "Paths to Glory" (1957). The project was known, however, "no one would have thought it was over," Abrams is quoted in the "Guardian" "We now have a copy of it and that shows that he wrote a complete scenario. "

Why that? In the end, it was not realized, there are different points of view. For Abrams, it seems very likely that the story of a young baron approaching his mother through a boy was probably too lucrative for Hollywood at the time and did not respect the prevailing moral code. Originally located in Austria in the early 20th century, Kubrick shipped it to America. For example, the boy's name is Eddie and not Edgar.

The news was filmed several times, among others. also by the former assistant of Kubrick: Andrew Birkin brought names as illustrious as Klaus Maria Brandauer and Faye Dunaway in front of the camera. With "Traumnovelle" by Arthur Schnitzler another Austrian original was also at the base of Kubrick's latest film "Eyes Wide Shut" with Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise . [ad_2]
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