Livestream to the blood moon: so beautiful was the lunar eclipse


It was an event of the century Friday night. There was nothing less to see than the "Bloodmoon", as popularly called the Earth Bear plunged into a coppery red light. And not too close: for a total of 103 minutes, the Moon plunged into the shadow of the Earth – the longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century.

For astronomical societies scattered throughout the country, it was an opportunity for once again to secure. In the evening, at the planetarium of the Verkehrshaus Luzern, many visitors followed the simulation of a lunar eclipse every half hour. After that, a live broadcast was scheduled in the Verkehrshaus cinema

At the Lucerne wharf, the atmosphere was relaxed before the rising of the moon, as Marc Eichenberger, president of the Lucerne Astronomical Society, described the Atmosphere at the Keystone-SDA agency. Three telescopes with lenses have already been put in place. Everything is fine: the event falls on a Friday evening, the weather is hot, the view is beautiful

In Bern, the weather was not optimal

On the big hill of Bern, moreover in addition to people came before the moonrise, Keystone SDA photographer on the site reported. Several tripods of photographers are already waiting. However, the weather was not optimal, a little foggy and slightly cloudy along the Alps.

The phenomenon "blood moon" is caused by the scattered light of the sun. Especially the long red parts of the light are broken by the Earth's atmosphere in the cone of the shadow.

Also Mars was to be seen

Coincidentally, he wanted, that very close to the full moon the planet Mars moves as close to the earth is. The red planet could be seen at the width of one hand below the darkened moon disc and even surpassed even Jupiter in brilliant.

The only uncertain factor was time. The clouds have hardly spoiled the observers. The next total lunar eclipse of the same length as July 27 is expected again for the year 2123.

Facts on the Galactic Moon:

  • Water: The Dark Zones of the Moon were once filled with lava that has hardened over time.
  • Distance: The Moon is 384,400 kilometers from us equals 60 times the Zurich-New York route.
  • Animal: Wolves howl at each moon. Although the animals are nocturnal, they usually howl at night, but regardless of the phases of the moon.
  • Men in the Moon: There were eleven other astronauts on the moon besides Neil Armstrong. The last in December 1972.
  • Time: A day on the moon lasts 29 days – this is the time it takes to turn around its own axis.
  • Plural: The Earth has only one Moon, however, has Jupiter 61.
  • Brilliant: On the Moon is a mirror that has been used to measure the speed of light.
  • Seen: From Earth, we see the same side of the moon because it's in a bounded rotation with the earth.
  • Bye: The Moon drifts four centimeters further from Earth each year.
  • Light: Would it be on the moon on a Libra, it only showed one-sixth of the weight of the one on Earth.
  • Action: There are moaning! The reason is the attraction exerted by the Earth on the opposite side of the moon.

What is a lunar eclipse?

A total lunar eclipse occurs when the moon wanders through the shadow of the Earth. It happens when the earth is between him and the sun. On its side opposite to the sun, the earth casts a base base shadow. Around this, there is a penumbral shadow that continually expands as the distance of the earth increases.

The Moon turns around the Earth once every 30 days or so. Its eccentric orbit is slightly inclined relative to the orbit on which the earth pulls around the sun. For most orbits, the moon passes above or below the earth's shadow. You can see it as a full moon right now.

There is a lunar eclipse when the moon reaches the shadow of the Earth. This happens at a point where the two orbits intersect. The lunar eclipse can be seen wherever the moon is above the horizon right now. From central Europe, lunar eclipses can be observed once or twice a year.


Published 27.07.2018 | Updated 2 minutes ago

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