"Love, Simon": A nice movie on the hard way to the exit


"Love, Simon": A beautiful film on the hard way out

There are sentences that divide life ahead and after. In the movie "Love, Simon" it's not "I like you" or "Yes, I want it". Nick 1965 as Simon Image: Centfox

The main character Simon simply can not get it on his lips. Although it does not bother you rationally speaking. Father Jack (Josh Duhamel) and Mother Emily (Jennifer Garner) are liberals and they sincerely love Simon, his friends are a cool, kind and proud school band.

Pleasantly unrestrained

year torments so much with the truth, makes "Love, Simon" to a wonderful and necessary contribution to the cinema, which deals with homosexuality: It shows that homosexual love can still be perceived as a stigma with the fear of exclusion. To convey this, "Love, Simon" manages in a deftly relaxed manner, with wit, engaging dialogues, with homosexual stereotypes that are broken, dozens of cleverly chosen quotes from pop culture and Nick Robinson as lead actor with a lot of talent. And that, without ever losing sight of the seriousness of the case. Magnificent! (nb)

"Love, Simon": United States 2018, 110 M, Director: Greg Berlanti

OÖN rating:

Trailer of the film:

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