Lugano forces NHL defenseman Chorney | St.Galler Tagblatt


Lugano completes his foursome of foreigners for the upcoming season. Ticinese force Taylor Chorney, 31, defenseman of the NHL

  Taylor Chorney (right, in white dress of the Washington Capitals) will defend HC Lugano next season (Photo: KEYSTONE / FR84052 AP / BILL BOYCE)

Taylor Chorney (right in the white dress of the Washington Capitals) will defend for HC Lugano next season (Image: KEYSTONE / FR84052 AP / BILL BOYCE)


The double Canadian-American citizen has received a contract with Ticino for the upcoming season with the option of another season. Chorney brings a wealth of experience from 178 NHL games to five different teams.

Since 2008, Chorney has worked for the Edmonton Oilers, the St. Louis Blues, the Pittsburgh Penguins, the Washington Capitals and most recently the Columbus Blue Jackets. but the NHL players nowhere. In February, the future winner of the Stanley Cup, Washington Capitals Chorney, registered the exemption list, after which the defender of the Blue Jackets was committed. For the US state of Ohio franchise, the 1.92 m high Chorney has only completed one game.

In 2010, Chorney played for America at the World Cup in Germany. However, the US team did not convince at all; behind Finland, Germany and Denmark, the Americans finished Group D in last place and even participated in the relegation round. In addition to the Chorney stand in Lugano Linus Klasen of Sweden, the Finn Jani Lajunen and the Canadian Maxim Lapierre under contract.

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