"MacCoin": McDonalds launches Bic-Mac motto | message


With MacCoin's motto, McDonald's celebrates a special occasion for the company. This year, the popular Big Mac celebrates 50 years. The sesame buns hamburger topped with two patties, special sauce, lettuce, pickles and onions is a real world best seller, the company itself calls it "world icon" in a press release.

Big Mac Index as a source of inspiration

And rightly so: According to Business Insider, the fast-food giant sells the Big Mac burger almost identically in 36,000 locations worldwide. The company reportedly sold 1.3 billion Big Macs last year. The price of the popular snack is even used as an indicator of purchasing power, since 1986, the "Big Mac Index" published by The Economist and updated every six months. To do this, prices of Big Macs in different countries are converted into US dollars and compared to show which currencies are particularly strong and particularly weak.

"They still use it today," said McDonald's boss, Steve Easterbrook, about the "Big Mac Index." "Why should not we have fun with that? Inventing our own currency."

50th Big Mac Birthday

And so, after half a century of Big Mac's story, the MacCoin arrives. Cryptocurrencies fans will not be happy, but fast food fans will be happy. The MacCoin is against it because its name does not look like a new digital currency but a real and tangible piece that can be used against a Big Mac in a McDonald's store.

A coin will be given to those who buy a Big Mac from August 2 – until stocks are exhausted. According to the company, more than 6.2 million MacCoins will be distributed and traded in more than 50 countries around the world. "Customers can trade, collect or exchange," says McDonald's. Because the piece will come in five different models, one for each decade that the Big Mac has until now.

McDonald's gives MacCoins for the first time. Buying Big Mac

With MacCoin, McDonald's gives another customer, who orders a Big Mac on August 2nd, another free. The next day, lovers of fast food can exchange the room. But presumably, there will be many McDonald's supporters who will not exchange the currency for the hamburger, but rather will try to get all the coins and keep them as a collector's item.

The MacCoin could therefore also be an investment option for fast food enthusiasts who hope for an increase in value – as soon as they fall, they have not lost their value but can still invest in a hamburger. However, it remains to be hoped that McDonald's will not counter and will not increase the price of the Big Mac if the value of MacCoins increases.

Theresa Rauffmann / Editing finanzen.net

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Image Sources: Tomasz Bidermann / Shutterstock.com, PAUL J. RICHARDS / AFP / Getty Images

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