Major projects need to be developed internally, New Vegas was an exception


As Bethesda explains, large-scale projects must always be developed in-house. At Fallout: New Vegas, the studio is an exception at the time. This should not happen again, even if you have some help for Fallout 76. Although the online game is developed by three studios, they all belong to Bethesda.

Currently working Bethesda on the online game Fallout 76 (Buy Now for 54.99 €) which is being developed in-house. Three studios are involved, but they all belong to Bethesda: Bethesda in Austin and the studio in Montreal also work alongside the Bethesda Game Studios in Rockville, Maryland.

Fallout: New Vegas must remain an exception

Fallout: New Vegas however, the development studio outsourced a very big project earlier. The end-time RPG was developed by Obsidian. But this should remain an exception for now, according to Todd Howard. Bethesda wants to develop big projects internally. In addition, the upcoming Starfield and the highly anticipated The Elder Scrolls 6 are produced in-house

However, Howard does not completely rule out that he will eventually work with another development studio because Obsidian has him do a very good job. Currently, nothing is planned here

Source: Guardian

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