Mamma Mia 2: Abba fever is back


It almost looks like it was in 1978. On Swiss television, Roman Kilchsperger and Reto Scherrer, Abba clones with trumpet trousers and long-haired wigs, are in a good mood in the "Donnschtig-Jass". In Thun, this week, Fabienne Louves will sing in the open-air version of the musical "Mamma Mia!" With the greatest hits of Abba. And in London, group founders Benny Andersson and Björn Ulvaeus talk to the world press about new songs, new motivations and a newfound harmony these days.

Abba fever is expected to increase further. With "Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again ", the sequel to the feature film" Mamma Mia! "Inspire Abba fans again on Thursday. Ten years after the first film reported more than 600 million dollars worldwide, the story continues. Respektive: He returned.

Because the new movie is dedicated to the story of the carousel of colorful love with the three potential fathers. "Mamma Mia 2" illuminates the youth and love years of the hotel boss Donna. In 2008, Meryl Streep surprised not only movie fans. Because so much musical talent had the Oscar-winning actress only the least dared.

Fresh young faces for the well-known classics of Abba

In "Mamma Mia 2" the young Donna is played by actress Lily James. Known as "Downton Abbey", the Brit looks amazing in the skin of the great Meryl Streep. Credible and sexy, the 29-year-old girl sings, dances and plays through the love affair of young Donna, and even the rejuvenated versions of her lovers do a great job. Instead of stars like Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth and Stellan Skarsgard, the Lover is played by young actors like Josh Dylan ("Allied"), Jeremy Irvine and Hugh Skinner ("Les Misérables").

"Mamma Mia 2" is the opposite of what the Swedish national football team showed at the World Cup in Russia: the film is funny, entertaining, overflowing and often very touching . You do not have to be a prophet to predict a huge success for him. Especially that many well-known songs – and some less well-known ones – will once again bring happy faces to fans of pop music and movies.

It is significant that the filmmakers focus this time on the young target group. Because Abba has been discovered since the last film by an audience that was not yet at the pinnacle of the band in the world – and ten years ago was not yet allowed At the movie theater. But the fact that the group, which has been inactive for more than 35 years, still succeeds in inspiring new generations, is far from being a coincidence. "The music of Abbas is timeless – it continues to reach new generations," says Mamma Mia! -Produzentin Judy Craymer Quote. With her positive emotional message, Abba is now "more relevant than ever". Director Richard Curtis also agrees: "My film is about fun and optimism, but it also has a feminist connotation of passion and strength." not for nothing that he asked his 22-year-old daughter to give him advice on what should be the following.

In fact, "Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again" a lot of potential in the world. Identification for young people The story of the adventurous Donna with her spontaneous loves should not only appeal to backpackers, even young women in search of sexual self-determination will feel understood. and the tumultuous lows of Donna's love life, the current generations of Facebook, Snapchat and Tinder are guaranteed to return.

Abba their best success

The original of these small and great dramas is provided by Abba In their heyday almost 40 years ago, the two couples of musicians are co loosely torn on the inside. The couple Björn and Agnetha as well as the success of Benny and Anni-Frid are deadly. Vanities and jealousy create a gap between lovers.

After Abba conquered the world from 1973 with perfectly produced and mostly very happy pop songs, music and lyrics became increasingly dark in the late '70s. like "Know Me, Know Yourself", "Angel Eyes", "One of Us" or "The Winner Takes All", Anni-Frid and Agnetha sang the chasms of their broken marriages – making their music immortal [19659002] Because: Success does not hurt private drama. On the contrary, the songs of Abbas of their most unlucky time are considered the best. The "Super Trouper" album from 1980, for example, is Abbas's masterpiece – precisely because euphoria and despair are in balance on this record.

No wonder: the wedding of Björn and Agnetha collapse during the recording. Those of Benny and Anni-Frid will suffer the same fate two years later. The band records a last album ("The Visitor", 1982), then falls apart. Abba is history without ever having officially dissolved.

New music is presented at the end of the year – presented by holograms

That Abba announces a return in March this year is still a mega-sensation. For decades, both A's (Agnetha and Anni-Frid) have kept the public away. Benny and Björn were also active behind the scenes; for example, in the musical version of "Mamma Mia!"

Now, at the end of the year, there will be even new music from Abba. Already last summer, the four members were together in the studio and recorded new songs. The 35-year break would have been six months, says Benny Andersson in press interviews on "Mamma Mia 2": "It was amazing how happy we all were to get together and work together."

Together on stage you will not see Abba anyway. Andersson developed a concept for the return with the so-called "Abbatars": holograms that are on stage instead of the band and should look like Agnetha, Björn, Benny and Anni-Frid in the late '70s. that it would be 1978 rather than 2018 should continue in this way.

"Mom Mia – Here We Go Again" is published Thursday in Swiss cinemas.

Published 19.07. 2018 | Updated at 18:40

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