Mark Zuckerberg is now richer than Warren Buffett


The founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg is now richer in star investor Warren Buffett : Zuckerberg is now ranked three of the richest individuals , previously Buffett have filed it. This reports the press agency Bloomberg which calculates a billionaire index, in which flow the capitals of the 500 richest in the world.

Before Zuckerberg are only the patron of the Amazone Jeff Bezos and the co-founder of Microsoft Bill Gates .

According to Bloomberg data, this is the first time the top three places in the ranking of people out who made their money with technology. Zuckerberg who is 34 years old, has a fortune of 82 billion dollars. That's about $ 373 million more than Buffett the patron of 1945 Berkshire Hathaway .

Zuckerberg is where investors' interest for Facebook Share the advantage. Despite the data scandal and stock price defeats, the influence of the social network continues to grow. Facebook is also growing in Zurich, as recently reported the Handelszeitung. Buffett who used to take the lead, slips further down the rankings because he donates a large portion of his assets, including the Foundation Bill and Melinda Gates. In addition, Zuckerberg announced his intention to donate 99% of his Facebook stock during his lifetime.


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