Mars Rover has been in operation for 15 years


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15 years ago: "Opportunity "Continues on Mars Trip

The Opportunity Mars Rover left Earth exactly 15 years ago and landed on Mars in January 2004.
Image: Keystone


The Opportunity Mars Rover left Earth exactly 15 years ago. In January 2004 he landed on Mars.


<figure class = "c-image figure item active lslide" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https: // production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch / 2018/6/29 / 5c362204-4430-44e2-b355-8babd73b25ee.jpeg? rect = 0% 2C258% 2C1019% 2C766 & w = 1024 & auto = format "data-sub-html ="

ago 15 years old: "Opportunity" makes a trip to Mars

Since then, the 185 kilogram six-wheeled rover has been rolling on the red planet, leaving traces in the sand.
Image: Keystone


Since then, the 185-kilogram six-wheeled mobile has been rolling on the red planet, leaving some traces in the sand.


<figure class = "image-c element item active lslide" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https: // production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch / 2018/6/29 / 6f22206c-81cd-48bc-b8b4-c301e8ed1bae.jpeg? rect = 0% 2C127% 2C1024% 2C770 & w = 1024 & auto = format "data-sub-html ="

15 years ago: "Opportunity" continues its journey to Mars

Its mission was initially planned for 90 days only The Rover now but crucial information to explore the neighboring planet

His mission was initially planned for 90 days only. However, for 15 years, the rover has provided crucial information about the exploration of the neighboring planet.


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ago 15 years old: "Opportunity" continues his trip to Mars

Including this magnificent landscape.
Image: Keystone


Including this beautiful shot of landscape.


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There is 15 years: "Opportunity" goes on a trip to Mars

On his trip to Mars, the Rover proves his incredible stamina: his twin "Spirit" had already abandoned in 2010 and stopped sending signals
Image : Keystone


On his trip to Mars, the Rover shows incredible endurance. His identical twin "Spirit" had already abandoned in 2010 and was sending more signals.


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There are 15 years: "Opportunity" goes on a trip to Mars

The traces of the Rover can even be seen from space, as shown in this satellite image. Opportunity "just the edge of the crater Victoria at the height of the equator of Mars.
Image: Keystone


The traces of the Rovers can even be seen from the space, as this satellite image shows. Here, "Opportunity" was exploring the edge of the Victoria Crater at the height of the Equator of Mars.


<figure class = "c-image element figure active lslide" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https: // production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch / 2018/6/29 / 5a29f082-7da4-4f02-b401-aba2ce5c614d.jpeg? rect = 330% 2C0% 2C694% 2C522 & w = 1024 & auto = format "data-sub-html ="

15 years ago: "Opportunity" continues on Mars voyage

Crater seen from the ground.
Image: Keystone


The crater of the ground perspective.


<figure class = "c-image figure active lslide element" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https: // production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch / 2018/6/29 / c76e823f-1681-47c5-8f9e-6aecf9e368df.jpeg? rect = 95% 2C0% 2C837% 2C629 & w = 1024 & auto = format "data-sub-html ="

There is 15 years: "Opportunity" continues on Mars

Members of the Mars Rover Project: Mark Adler (left), Larry Soderblom (center) and Scott McLennan at a press conference in 2004. They were instrumental in the success of the mission of opportunity.
Image: Keystone


Mars Rover Project Members: Mark Adler (left), Larry Soderblom (center) and Scott McLennan at a press conference in 2004. They contributed to the success of the Opportunity mission.


<figure class = "image-c item active lslide item" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https: // production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch / 2018/6/29 / 9d30cf84-829a-4017-83bf-adc26ce39c7c.jpeg? Rect = 0% 2C254% 2C1024% 2C770 & w = 1024 & auto = format "data-sub-html ="

15 years ago: "Opportunity" continues on Mars trip

Shortly after landing on Mars, this image shows a piece of heat shield protecting the rover from burning in the air. Martian atmosphere.
Image: Keystone


Shortly after landing on Mars. This image shows a piece of heat shield that protected the rover from entering the Martian atmosphere


The Opportunity mission was originally scheduled to last 90 days only. But the spacecraft is showing incredible endurance and rolling on Mars for 15 years. For the industrious robot, however, the last hour could have hit the red planet.

This was a big mission with an uncertain outcome. On July 7, 2003, a launch vehicle was launched from the US Cape Canaveral spaceport to Mars. She also had an expensive cargo on board: the space probe Opportunity.

The US Agency for Space and Air Sciences (NASA) sent the Rover 185 kilograms and six wheels in order to find traces of water on Mars. As a result, the landing site was important as a result. The Foscher opted for an area near the equator on the Plain Meridiani Planum. There, NASA has suspected a significant presence of hematite, which occurs, among other things, in open water.

The first successful story came on March 23, 2004. According to the space agency, there was a lake or ocean of salt open and shallow at the landing site. The rover was able to send a series of more than 200 photomicrographs to the Earth, confirming scientists' belief that the area was an ancient coastline. The form shown in the pictures could only come from moving water, it was said at the time.

Since then, Opportunity has traveled a total of 45 kilometers. The Mars rover has been researching craters and meteorite valleys, sent beautiful landscapes to Earth and even temporarily stuck in a sand dune. He survived his twin "Spirit", which landed on Mars about 20 days before him. This spaceship was already silent in 2010 forever.

radio silence for the birthday

But just for the 15th birthday could have hit for the diligent Robotor the last hour.

Due to a gigantic dust storm, the Mars rover has temporarily ceased its scientific activities. The storm raged in a wider area than North America and hardly let the sun go by to recharge the rover's solar batteries, NASA announced in mid-June.

In 2007, the rover had survived a much larger storm. However, according to NASA scientists, the cold weather that followed probably led to the loss of "opportunity" pairing. How long will the radio silence be completely uncertain. The researchers are curious when they receive their next signal from Mars.

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