Mesut Özil: From the photograph with Recep Tayyip Erdogan to resign – the chronology


It took weeks before Mesut Özil published commentary on the photo case with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan – the photo made the headlines, the criticism and the excitement since May 14th. At the end of July, Özil published three statements. He criticizes the DFB, denounces racism and declares his resignation from the German national football team. How did it happen? The chronology of the last weeks:

14. May

One day before the appointment of the provisional team of the World Cup, photos show national players Mesut Özil and Ilkay Gündogan in London with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Gundogan writes on his jersey gift: "For my president, sincerely." Later in the day he explains via Instagram: "We did not intend to make a political statement with this picture."

The German Football Association reacts stung, President Reinhard Grindel says that the duo used Erdogan's "campaign maneuvers" to leave. Oliver Bierhoff, the director of the DFB, states that he "does not doubt the clear commitment of Mesut and Ilkay to play for the German national team and to identify with our values . "

  Ilkay Gündogan, Mesut Özil, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Cenk Tosun


Ilkay Gundogan, Mesut Özil, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Cenk Tosun

15. May

Joachim Loew calls Özil and Gundogan on his provisional World Cup squad, although he is also out of tune. "It was not a happy action," says the coach about the photos and announces a conversation. Sanctions or renunciation of both were, however, "unimportant" subjects. Government spokesman Steffen Seibert said on behalf of Chancellor Angela Merkel that this was a "situation that raised questions and misunderstandings".

19. May

Özil and Gündogan interrupt their holidays, meeting in Berlin Löw, Grindel and the director of the DFB, Oliver Bierhoff, for a debate. At Schloss Bellevue you will visit Frank-Walter Steinmeier. The federal president said: "It was important for both of them to clear up all the misunderstandings that were raised." Joachim Loew says in the ARD: "There was a conversation and so I think now we can talk about other topics so slowly."

2. June

Özil takes the lead of the international match in Klagenfurt against Austria (1: 2). He and Gundogan are booed. Thomas Müller defends the duo, saying that both are "an important part of our team and that the subject is checked for us."

5. June

During the media day in the training camp in South Tyrol, Gündogan answers questions from some representatives of the press. "Some reactions have hit me, especially personal insults," he says. "I understand that you do not have to find good action." Özil is silent.

6. June

Federal President Steinmeier expresses himself in the insane "Zeit" of the photo-action, she had "a little disconcerted". Since both players had grown up in Germany, they "should not have been surprised that their meeting with the Turkish president is triggering criticism". That the players have apologized is "a question of interpretation".

7. June

Oliver Bierhoff explains the allegations against the DFB on the subject: "What should we do even more? I think we have done a lot – and now that's enough."

8, June

Bierhoff asks the ARD media to end the subject. In the general rehearsal of the World Cup in Leverkusen against Saudi Arabia (2: 1), Gündogan is booed upon his replacement. Löw reacts, the massive rejection "hurts him," he says.

9. June

Gundogan tweets that he is "always grateful to play for this country".

10. June

Chancellor Merkel says in the ARD: "I think both players have not considered what the photo triggers with President Erdogan." She was convinced that both players did not want to disappoint German fans.


The director of the DFB, Oliver Bierhoff, says that two days before the opening match of the World Cup against Mexico: "I do not see the need to revisit the issue here . "

17. June

Ozil is starting at eleven o'clock against Mexico, the whistles are in the stadium not to be heard. Gundogan is sitting on the bench for 90 minutes. The national goalkeeper Manuel Neuer speaks of the influence of the whirlwind on the preparation of the World Cup: "At first, it was a little disturbed in the team, it was even stressful."

27. June

DFB President Reinhard Grindel announces that the case after the World Cup with a "deliberate discussion" to work well: "We must think together with sports leadership, how we can make the players still more aware, "he says in the" Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung ". The reigning world champion beat South Korea (0-2) the same day.

29. June

"I'm going to need some time to put it back," writes Ozil on Twitter about the World Cup finals.

5. July

The director of the DFB, Oliver Bierhoff, admits errors in dealing with the Erdogan case. "We have never forced the players of the German national team to do anything, but we have always tried to convince them to do something, which we have not managed to Mesut, and it would have been necessary to consider refraining from playing sports ". he in the "world". A day later, he moves back and says that he's "poorly expressed". What he exactly wanted to say remains unclear.

8. July

The father of Mesut Özil reacts in the "Bild am Sonntag" on the statements of Bierhoff: "This statement is an impudence, it serves in my opinion only to save your skin." DFB President Grindel calls Mesut Özil in a public statement after the World Cup holiday. Fans are disappointed because they have not yet received an answer to their questions, says Grindel the "kicker".

11. July

The former captain Philipp Lahm states in an interview with "Zeit": "Now is the time to analyze: the performance on the ground, the management of this case, and then you must make public your attitude, that would be good work. "

18. July

Jürgen Klopp, Liverpool FC coach, takes Özil and Gündogan in protection: "We must not forget that both now have Turkish roots, even though they grew up here in Germany."

22. July

Özil makes his first public statement on the subject – and resigns from the national team. "With a heavy heart and after careful consideration, I will no longer play for the German national team because of past incidents," he writes and criticizes "racism and disrespect" (you can read about it). Explanation in the text here). He also attacks Grindel: "I do not speak for Grindel now, but because I want it, I will no longer be the scapegoat for his incompetence."

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