Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain: Quiet is playable with a new patch


  Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain: Quiet is playable with a new patch "title =" Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain: Quiet is playable with a new patch "/>

<p> The stealth action title "Metal Gear Solid 5: Ghost Pain" has surprisingly received a new update. Konami officials released patch 1.17, making Quiet a playable character in the advanced operations database. In addition, they also added an easy and challenging difficulty level to FOB events. </p>
<p>  Konami also provided the official patch notes that summarize the changes: </p>
<li>  Quiet is now playable in FOB mode Online </li>
<li>  Difficulty levels Simple and difficult added to FOB events </li>
<li>  New development weapons to levels 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 have been added </li>
<li>  Fixed some issues. </li>
<p>  Already in September 2015, "Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain" for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC in global commerce. Since its release, Konami has provided several fixes designed to enhance the gaming experience of the latest game "Metal Gear" by Hideo Kojima. To what extent other updates are planned in the future, is not known. In all likelihood, the other patches would also be quite surprising. </p>
<p>More news about Metal Gear Solid 5: Phantom pain.</p>
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