Microlino rolls across Europe from December


With the Microlino, an Isetta style electric Knutschkugel, the Swiss inventors made a sensation. Now the small electric car has been approved and can go into production from December.

Electric cars

Since today, it is clear that the Microlino is allowed to drive on European roads. The fully electric Isetta heritage (we've already featured here) with an elegant ball shape and an entry gate will run in December.

The so-called homologation, a European approval system, is accompanied by corresponding tests that the Microlino has now passed. Thus, the important official figures are clear: the small battery of 8 kWh brings the car to 126 kilometers, the battery of 14.4 kWh to 202 kilometers. And the numbers are already the new WLPT cycle more realistic.

By the end of September, the first test vehicles should be ready and production should begin in December. Visually, little should deviate from the images we showed a few weeks ago:

The first prototype had already been in 2016, three years later, the first models of the series should arrive in Germany. A reservation is not currently possible.

The Iso Isetta was an Italian scooter mobile that BMW later produced under license and thus made known in Germany.

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