MLS: Rooney strikes for the first time and suffers laceration


Rooney is trafficked on the sidelines Image: Ap

Rooney meets for the first time in the MLS – looks like a boxer fighter

Joy, pain, joy – it's the day Wayne Rooney's work summary. The record holder from England has met for the first time since joining Major League Soccer. Rooney gave DC United the lead on the Colorado Rapids after 33 minutes – tunneling the legend of American goaltender Tim Howard. In the time of injury, he suffered a laceration in which a lot of blood flowed on his face. With the turban Rooney had the final whistle and was happy: DC United won 2-1.

The injury after the collision with Swede Axel Sjöberg had to be sewn with five stitches. (RAM)

"This is not the first time he's bleeding in a game, he's tough and will survive."

Ben Olsen, DC United

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