Moneycab> Solar Fusion Eniwa and Holinger


Buchs – The energy service provider Eniwa AG and its previously independent subsidiary Holinger Solar AG merge at the end of December 2018 into an economic and legal entity. This puts the emphasis on innovative and integrated energy solutions from a single source.

Holinger Solar AG, based in Bubendorf BL, specializes in the production of turnkey photovoltaic systems on roofs and roofs. The sole proprietorship was founded in 1986. On April 1, 2016, the majority stake (80%) was taken over by IBAarau Elektro AG (now Eniwa AG). With the upcoming merger of the two companies, they are focusing on the expansion of value chains and the dynamic growth of the company.

The merger should be completed by the end of the year and all activities of Holinger Solar AG will be centralized under the name Eniwa AG Continuation of the Buch location. Parts of the Eniwa administration are already implemented today and the cooperation between the staff members is close. The 14 employees of Holinger Solar AG will be taken over and integrated into the "EnerCom" division. The division was created in early 2018 with the reorganization and includes activities in the areas of telecommunications, IT, renewable energy and produced services. (Eniwa / mc)

Solar Holinger

 Screenshot 2016-07-12 to 08.57.05
Additional Information on Eniwa AG like

  • Current Price
  • Price History [19659008] Portrait of the Society
  • and many more

can be found here at the Cantonal Bank of Zürcher …

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