Mothers with type 1 diabetes have larger children


BMI higher in the offspring of type 1 maternal diabetes

Researchers found that the risk of obesity and insulin resistance in children of type 1 diabetic mothers is significantly increases. Therefore, it would be advisable, according to one study author, to pay early attention to the appropriate warning signs in affected children.

Incurable Metabolic Disease

More and more children are suffering from type 1 diabetes. The metabolic disease is not curable until now. What role does the disease play if sufferers give birth? Scientists from the Helmholtz Zentrum München and the Technical University of Munich answered this question. In their study, they found that the risk of obesity and insulin resistance in children of mothers with type 1 diabetes was significantly increased.

A new study found that children of mothers with type 1 diabetes have a higher risk for the disease itself and also for overweight and insulin resistance. (Image: tortoon /

Increased risk of complications of pregnancy

German Society of Internal Medicine e. According to the DGIM, about one in 100 children in Germany is born to a mother with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

"The risk of complications is significantly higher in these pregnancies," write the experts .

For example, diabetic women are more likely to have premature births and offspring malformations are more common.

High blood sugar levels with long-term effects

It is also known that type 1 diabetes According to a statement from the Helmholtz Zentrum München (German Center for Environmental Health Research)

isolated studies have also shown that children of mothers with type 1 diabetes In addition, there is an increased risk of metabolic syndrome, because high levels of temporary blood sugar in the uterus have long-term effects n on metabolism and the body weight of the offspring, "says PD Andreas Beyerlein.

"We wanted to put this discussion on a solid foundation of data," said the statistician and epidemiologist, who, along with Professor Dr. med. Anette-Gabriele Ziegler, Diabetes Research Institute, Helmholtz Zentrum München and Diabetes Research Unit eV, in charge of directing

Genetic Mechanisms of Type 1 Diabetes

Three major studies on the mechanisms of developing diabetes mellitus type 1

"Overall, we looked at data from nearly 2,800 children who had a first-degree relative with type 1 diabetes," says author Anitha Pitchika. "They were examined until their 18th year in terms of metabolism and body weight."

Anette-Gabriele Ziegler adds: "These assessments were only possible in this form with our records that a sufficient number of mothers with type 1 diabetes, which a few decades ago was often discouraged from doing so. have children because of the high risks of birth. "

BMI significantly higher

Researchers noted that children whose mothers had type 1 diabetes before pregnancy Diabetic patients who had a mass index body mass (BMI) significantly higher than the children of healthy mothers.

"The participants in the TEENDIAB study, explains Andreas Beyerlein, more than doubled the risk of subsequent obesity"

In addition, other values ​​such as hip circumference , fasting blood glucose or the risk of insulin resistance were

Previously, scientists had already ruled out possible confounding factors such as socioeconomic status or birth weight of the mother.

Early attention was given to the warning signs

To find out how the differences are due to fundamental changes In pediatric metabolism, researchers from 500 participants in the TEENDIAB study collected metabolomic data

In fact, they did not detect significant changes related to type 1 maternal diabetes in metabolic products and metabolic pathways

. "Our study shows that children of type 1 diabetic mothers not only have a significantly higher risk for the disease itself, but also for obesity and insulin resistance," summarizes Anette- Gabriele Ziegler. that pediatricians and adolescents that together hang in the head in the future and pay attention at an early stage to appropriate warning signs in affected children. "

The study was recently published in the journal" Diabetologia ". (Ad)

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