Munich students impress Elon Musk with his transport capsule


Munich students impressed billionaire and Tesla founder Elon Musk with a high-speed capsule. For the third time, a team from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) won the "Hyperloop" competition in California announced by Musks SpaceX.

This is a Musc vision: The development of a capsule, the speed of sound travelers through a city tube in town shoots. In a video from the WARR team ("Scientific Association for Technology and Space Rocket") on Facebook, you can see how the billionaire finds himself in the middle of the team after the prototype test from Munich. "It's very impressive," commented Musk student performance.

capsule reached 467 km / h

speed of sound, about 1200 kilometers per hour, reached the capsule of Munich not yet – but with 467 km / h it was 150 km / h faster than the year last. A success, even if young developers were hoping up to 600 km / h.

Already in 2016, the TUM team won the SpaceX contest. 18 teams were registered for this year's competition, three were allowed to take a test. The second and third places were taken by the University of Technology Delft in the Netherlands (142 km / h) and the University of Technology Lausanne (85 km / h) in Switzerland.

By dpa / RND

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