New anti-aging study: scientific discovery: is aging of the skin now a question of history?


Early wrinkles, gray hair or even hair loss – all signs of aging that many women are eagerly awaiting. But researchers have now managed to stop and even reverse skin aging and hair loss.

A team of researchers from the University of Alabama in Birmingham, United States, made a dramatic discovery. They found a genetic mutation that affects mitochondrial function. What this means exactly, the researchers explain in the online journal "": Each human cell contains a small "central", the so-called mitochondria, they produce a chemical energy that cells need to survive. As we get older, less mitochondria produce energy. Malfunction can even trigger age-related diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, neurological disorders, and even cancer.

To test their thesis, the researchers administered mice with a doxycycline antibiotic-containing regimen, slowing mitochondrial activity and causing gray hair, hair loss, and slowed movements in mice. rapid aging of the skin even wrinkled skin, as reported online magazine "" [19659007] But then the researchers reversed the effect and restored mitochondrial function by closing the gene responsible for the mitochondrial dysfunction. In a few weeks, the animals found their smooth skin the coat pushed back as before. They were no longer distinguished from mice that had not received doxycycline treatment.

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Mice and humans are very different. Nevertheless, many conclusions can be drawn from research on mice, including for humans. Researchers have shown that mitochondria are responsible for the signs of aging. Thus, if the researchers succeed in bringing the mitochondria of the elderly to the level of a younger person, the signs of aging, such as skin aging and hair loss can be stopped.

There is also the possibility that mitochondrial turnover can even cure age-related diseases. However, some research will be needed to successfully transfer the results to humans.

How to prevent aging and hair loss

From here, we must accept nourishing creams and high quality shampoos. take care of our skin and our healthy and young hair. A healthy diet also helps our mitochondria work at full speed in old age. If you want to stop aging skin and hair loss, you should consider some simple tips:

  • Drinking a lot keeps skin young and tense. Drink between two and three liters of water, unsweetened teas and juices a day

  • Avoid cigarettes and alcohol as they age your skin and your hair faster.

  • Plan appropriate care for your skin and hair. Creams with high quality ingredients, shampoos and conditioners help your skin and hair look fresh and youthful.

  • Always use sufficient sunscreen because UV radiation accelerates skin aging and dries hair. In the end, these products promise the ultimate anti-aging effect:

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