How quickly you are brought back into this world, how much do you want to recover instantly! It was eight-thirty. In the chief's office, Maigret had mechanically removed his watch from his waist with a comforting sigh, the sigh of a massive man at the end of a hot July day. "Georges Simenon begins his 1947 story" Maigret & # 39; s Whistle "in which the curator Maigret The Quai des Orfèvres loses his favorite pipe. Because he considers it as stolen, he begins an investigation. Ten minutes and a few paragraphs later, when he has to keep thinking about the pipe, Maigret remembers that he wanted to be home on the boulevard Richard-Lenoir at eight o'clock: "His sister-in-law was visiting her husband . What else did he promise? Some fruits Exactly. His wife had advised to fish. "
This story, which was re-translated by writer Karl-Heinz Ott, will appear in the new publishing house of the former publisher of Diogenes and Hoffmann & Campe Daniel Kampa, the Kampa Verlag based in Zurich, although only in early October, but Kampa has never sent history as a teaser to bookstores and editorial offices. </ p> <p> To indicate that he is now serious with the new edition of "great novels", as the publisher wants to call the novels without Maigret in the future, but also the "whole Maigrets", consisting of 75 novels and 28 stories. non – Maigret stories, like those of other commissioners, all Simenon 's texts on Maigret and many others
A year ago, even after Simenon' s books were not available on the market, Diogenes Verlag had lost the rights to Georges Simenon's work and had been transferred from his second son John as a rights administrator to those of Daniel Kampa. It is not by chance that Kampa was responsible for the Simenon plant during his stay at Diogenes.
Not easy to follow this project Simenon
For a new publisher, not necessarily big, it's a burden thing like a pound. Such an edition also wants, with many new translations, to be supported first. And she wants to be sold, although a best-seller classic and reliable established. Daniel Kampa therefore collaborates with the publisher Hoffmann & Campe, where he is still active as an advisor. At Hoffmann & Campe, some non-maigrets and, finally, paperbacks must be published by Atlantik-Verlag. If all this works? If former Simenon fans are not just readers and re-readers? But also collectors who want to join again their different Maigret and non-Maigret, to have at least once a Maigret collection in one equipment? For example, there are at least six different editions, including Maigret novels from before Diogenes, published by Kiepenheuer & Witsch.
It is not easy to follow this new edition, as it is in any case the case of the prolific writer that Simenon heard. With 15 Maigrets, published by the Kampa Verlag on October 4, it begins, plus five to six "big novels" each related to Kampa and Hoffmann & Campe – which does not reveal why "the snow was dirty" in a New Translation and with an epilogue by Daniel Kehlmann in Kampa appears and the recently untranslated novel "Der Uhrmacher von Everton" at Hoffmann & Campe. "According to which criteria was a selection made for the respective publishers?
It is not possible to Stopping, it was the motto of the prolific Simenon writer
But maybe that does not matter, because, as he said one day Georges Simenon, you had to write quickly, otherwise the thread was torn, and his life from morning to night is shaped by a character by writing a novel, so there is one in reading Simenon: quit smoking does not work The least, the more pleasant the problems are.
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