New York Stocks: Moderate Profits – Nasdaq faltering after registration | new


Recently, the Dow Jones Industrial rose 0.41% to 25,026.97 points, returning for the first time since mid-June on the much-noticed round mark. On a weekly basis, this indicates a net over 2.33% for the New York Leader Index. The S & P 500 at the market scale jumped 0.14% to 2802.25 points on Friday.

The Nasdaq 100 technology-driven index rose only 0.03% to 7368.12 after a record break of 7387.74 points Points in the air It was helped by heavyweights such as the mother of Google Alphabet, the Amazon Internet retailer, the Microsoft software giant and the Facebook online network.

Although JPMorgan, the largest US bank, surprisingly increased profits and profits in the second quarter, inventories fell by 0.18 percent. Obviously, investors did not like the assessment of boss Jamie Dimon that business could suffer from the growing business conflict in the second half of the year.

Worse that the leader of the industry was Citigroup and Wells Fargo, respectively 1.56 and 0.4 percent lost. The Citigroup also had a positive surprise with their profit jump. However, revenues in the bond sector disappointed. Wells Fargo even had to accept a significant drop in profits. After several scandals about dubious business practices, society struggles with image problems and has recently had a lot of problems with the authorities.

The US government does not revoke its opposition to the acquisition of the Time Warner media group by telecom giant AT & T. After an antitrust lawsuit has failed and the deal has been completed, the Department of Justice announced an appeal against the verdict. AT & T shares lost 1.95% ./gl/he


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