Nia Vardalos: Nia Vardalos, the star of "My Big Fat Greek Wedding", divorced


"My Big Fat Greek Wedding" made it famous. But the real marriage of Nia Vardalos failed. After nearly 25 years, the divorces actress.

Just before the 25th wedding anniversary is "My Big Greek Greek Wedding"
star Nia Vardalos (55) and the American actor Ian Gomez (52, "Cougar Town" [19659004]) everything. The couple, who has the javatory in 1993, divorces. The two have now confirmed the US portal "E! News." "We have been separated with respect for a long time," the statement said. "From their relationship, a good friendship would have developed," so that the decision to end the marriage , completely mutual and friendly. "

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From the court documents that must be available on the portal, show that the couple has already separated since the end of June 2017. However, they had asked shared custody of their daughter Ilaria (11). In 2008, the Greek-Canadian actress and her husband adopted the three-year-old daughter after Vardalos could have had their own children. A total of 13 artificial inseminations failed.

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