No Man's Sky: New update brings improved graphics and multiplayer


Who reminds us in 2016: No Man's Sky, the indie game with the hype factor of a big – and many promises – begins for PlayStation 4 and PC. And two years later, the Xbox One version will come out ET: The game will finally be what it is promised.

You must attribute this to the developers of Hello Games, they continue to work on No Man's Sky. Even though 2016 was a real shitstorm.

Since then, Hello Games has updated the game: by adding new features and reworking the basics of the game. Now, with the next update "Next" for the game scheduled for next week, they are getting closer as much as possible of the promise of the game as planned for the year 2016.

Shopping Tip:
No Man 's Sky [Xbox One] Order at for 49.99 $


This new update includes third person views, a full multiplayer game with friends and random players, including cooperation and the ability to take other players, as well as improved graphics. New lands have been added as well as the ability to create a base everywhere – essentially what has finally been promised everything seems to be in this game.

Free update for PS4 and PC

It is worth noting that Hello Games is a small studio, and sales of No Man's Sky could not have been too good after the initial backlash. You should re-spin the game so long after the launch and offer all these updates for free, but it should be rented (although it should be argued that they only deliver the product that they initially promised).

No Man's Sky The update "Next" will begin next week on PlayStation 4 and PC. The Xbox One version, which will also be released next week, will apply the update from the beginning.

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