No season passes and no scheduled DLCs


  Fallout 76: No Season Pass and No Expected DLC

Bethesda Softworks will support the online RPG "Fallout 76" with new content. However, all additional content should be provided free of charge.

In November, the online RPG "Fallout 76" will come out, offering players the world's largest gaming world in the history of the series, filled with all kinds of quests and challenges. However, the developers of Bethesda Game Studios have planned to "fill" Fallout 76 "with new content.

Pete Hines, vice president of public relations and marketing at Bethesda Softworks, has confirmed to the official PlayStation Magazine that They released the Especially to provide free content to players.In his view, constantly new content is introduced into the game, which could include changes to the game's balance, among other things. the content will be free and neither the Season Pass nor the paid DLC will be broadcast.

Fallout 76: Beta will be available until October

If you want to participate in the beta of "Fallout 76", you must be patient for a few months Only in October – just before the launch of …

"Fallout 76" will be released on November 14, 2018 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. keep in mind q u & # 39; next October, developers will also hold a closed beta on "Fallout 76", which will mainly give access to pre-orders.

Source: Gamefront

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