Off for "La Vie": Dense Star Restaurant | – News – Lower Saxony


Stand: 16.07.2018 15:18 hours

Great loss for gourmets in Lower Saxony: the three-star restaurant "La Vie" of Osnabrück has surprisingly ceased operations. Reason for the end of the "Life", which was next to Wolfsburg "Aqua" the only three-star restaurant in Lower Saxony, is a decision of the sole shareholder, Georgsmarienhütte Holding GmbH.

Focus: Steel



Hello Lower Saxony

09.09.2013 19:30

Hello Niedersachsen

At the l. Nationwide, he was already Chef of the Year, now Thomas Bühner is the "Life" at Osnabrück Head of the Year in Lower Saxony.
Video (02:25 min)

Georgsmarienhütte's spokeswoman, Iris-Kathrin Wilckens, emphasizes an "organizational reorientation" of the group. The focus is on the production and processing of steel. In the last year and a half, the corporate organization has changed. The closure of "Life" is therefore "a logical step", according to Wilckens

Economic reasons

According to information from "Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung" (NOZ), financial reasons play a role: the The group is in a process of deep restructuring, after which the staff of Georgsmarienhütte Holding increased from 10,369 to 6,778 employees in a few months. The operation of unprofitable upscale restaurants was no longer justified in the context of the operation, reports the "NOZ". The decision had already been taken four weeks ago, the paper writes.

30 employees lose their jobs

The approximately 30 employees did not learn the immediate closure and the associated job loss until Saturday. Chief Executive and Chief Thomas Bühner announced that they would help find a job. Where he attracts the three-star chef is not known. In a press release from Georgsmarienhütte Holding, Bühner will look to the future for new tasks in the catering sector.

"Brand Ambassador for Osnabrück"

Wolfgang Griesert (CDU), mayor of Osnabrück the best restaurant located in the old town of Osnabrück. The "Life" was a "brand ambassador for Osnabrück", which made the city a "world of the first league" culinary. Over the past twelve years, the restaurant has become a leading gourmet destination and has been a destination for celebrities and politicians around the world. In 2011, "La Vie" received the third star "Michelin". Chef Thomas Bühner was named Best Cook in Lower Saxony in 2013 with the "Grand Prix Gourmet".

More information


Television of the NDR

19.04.2017 18:15 [Télévision de la NDR]

In the best restaurants, concentration and precision are essential in the kitchen and the service. A behind-the-scenes look at a three-star restaurant in Osnabrück.
Video (28:43 min)

This topic in the program:

NDR 1 Niedersachsen |
Regional Osnabrück |
16.07.2018 | 4:00 p.m.

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