Openair Frauenfeld 2018 – This was the big show of Eminem – Radio SRF 3


Hip-hop James Brown came and delivered what the fans were waiting for. Although the concert is not always on, Eminem's songs are bigger than him and huge mega-hits. What did the fans say about it? Click on the video

After the end of mandatory (typically American) fireworks, Eminem left an enthusiastic Swiss audience behind him.

Eminem has undoubtedly fulfilled the high expectations. Not least because he is Eminem and not necessarily because he has delivered the best concert on earth. What was missing from Eminem's performance was the soul. This may be due to the time production that Eminem has to subordinate to. Best of all was hip-hop hipster James Brown in the last quarter of an hour when he raped Frauenfeld with songs like "My Name Is", "Real Slim Shady", "Without Me", "Not Afraid "and" Lose Yourself ". – Story thundering around the ears.

That's what Eminem looks like when he goes out live – at 360 °

The anticipation was overwhelming

At the top of Olympus rap, he sits. Eminem, the god of rap. But why is it? Perhaps because each of his own story with the songs of the American rapper and because he unites with his music young and old. Do not you think?

  This group of fans waited for hours for the Eminem concert!
This group of fans was waiting here for hours on the concert of Eminem!


Memoirs of adolescents

In the year 2000. I was 14 years old. Eminem was my hero. At that time, I etched his "The Marshall Matters LP" on my CD with my brand new CD burner for the entire school year – for five pieces a piece (sic!). That's my Eminem story. And among these, almost everyone has one at the Openair Frauenfeld