Opening address in the US trial of a cancer patient against Monsanto


In the US trial of a cancer patient against pesticide manufacturer Monsanto, opening speeches began Monday. The 46-year-old plaintiff, who suffers from terminal lymphoma, charges a weed killer for his illness.

  Agriculture is also used: glyphosate, a chemical used in Roundup weed killer caused tumors in laboratory animals. (Photo: KEYSTONE / AP / SETH PERLMAN)

It is also used in agriculture: The chemical glyphosate contained in Roundup herbicide caused tumors in laboratory animals. (Photo: KEYSTONE / AP / SETH PERLMAN)

(nda / afp)

Defense attorney Dewayne Johnson, Brent Wisner, accused the San Francisco corporation of having known for years. decades that the chemical Roundup herbicide can cause glyphosate tumors in laboratory animals. However, Monsanto has decided not to warn consumers and to conceal the alleged link between the chemical and cancer.

Johnson, 46, who suffers from terminal lymphoma, blames Roundup for his illness. As a janitor at several schools, he had applied the herbicide in large quantities.

Monsanto denies allegations

According to his lawyer, he was not warned of the dangers of Roundup. "He was told that you could drink it, that it was completely non-toxic," said Wisner. Although his client has worn protective clothing during use. Although he was able to reject water, he was not able to reject Roundup

Monsanto, who recently joined the Bayer group, refused to his product a carcinogenic effect . The process had already begun two weeks ago, but so far only formalities such as jury selection have been completed. The verdict is expected later this summer. If Monsanto lost, hundreds of other lawsuits could follow.

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