Opening of the season: Jeff Saibene has slot machines available


The coach has plenty of personal opportunities, especially in the midfield and in attack. Nevertheless, some players can be sure of their commitment

Philipp Kreutzer

Bielefeld. There remain four days before the departure of Arminia Bielefeld in the new second division season. Not only with the supporters of the excitement and anticipation DSC. "Things are going bad," said Jeff Saibene yesterday, referring to the opening eleven in the opening match at 3:30 pm on Sunday at FC Heidenheim: "In the center-back, defensive midfielder and in the storm, everything is in balance that I could throw a coin, "said the head coach. The NW puts the fire on fire: the goal Stefan Ortega had to end the training session yesterday because of premature muscle problems in the right calf. Until Sunday, "Tego" should be fit again, and there is no way around Arminia's number one neither for Philipp Klewin nor for Baboucarr Gaye Four-way defensive line The back positions are permanently occupied The right is Cédric Brunner, new signing of FC Zurich After the departure of Florian Dick for 1. FC Kaiserslautern first choice left Florian Hartherz will play on the left as the previous season The alternatives are Can Özkan (right) and Leandro Putaro The situation in central defenders is less clear: In Julian Börner, Stephan Salger and Brian Behrendt are three players established in two positions and Behrendt has the advantage of being the only one to have a strong right foot, " but we played with two left-handed in central defense before, "said Saibene. So it was in the last test against Bremen (0: 1). So the race always seems open. The talented Cerruti Siya and Semir Ucar are not qualified for the starting lineup. Defensive midfielder Saibene is also spoiled for choice with four players for two positions in the sixth round. Veteran Tom Schütz and runner-up Manuel Prietl have a minimal lead over newcomers Nils Seufert and Max Christiansen due to their greater experience. In fact, "says Saibene," all four can play that. Maybe Roberto Massimo will impress on the right side with speed and wit The young man was against Bremen in the starting lineup and currently has against his rivals Jóan Símun Edmundsson on The nose forward. "Eddy" was spared for the last time because of muscle problems, but has been training long ago with the team. Saibene is impressed by the strength of the race and the good left foot of the Färingers. On the left side are coaches Keanu Staude and Patrick Weihrauch available. Staude played a convincing preparation and should therefore be in this position. The attack by Nils Quaschner is only recently returned to training after a long break in play. Sören Brandy and Christopher Nöthe are currently not serious alternatives for Saibene. Nevertheless, the coach has a situation as luxurious in the storm as on the six position, because even in the storm, the slogan is: two out of four. Fabian Klos and Andreas Voglsammer have slightly better cards than competitors Sven Schipplock and Prince Osei Owusu – currently. "In the storm, we have a huge advantage especially at these temperatures," says Saibene in view of Sunday, "two can auspowern for an hour, so we can throw two very good news."

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