Party, Pumps and Pflotsch at the Openair Frauenfeld


The first day at Openair Frauenfeld was in the narrow – but only in terms of weather. A fantastic mood, beautiful people and a touch of mud.

You do not even have to open your eyes, you already know that you are at the Openair Frauenfeld. The bass beats tremble and the atmosphere (say) of the CBD keeps going from one end to the other of the festival. But also with open eyes, the Openair Frauenfeld stands out from other festivals. He is full of stylish people, always in small groups, and always the whole group in the same style. Here you can see everything from Kim Kardashian cycling shorts to sparkling suits.

The atmosphere is good, no hangover has ever had to be overcome – you can see the visitors that they are ready for a big party. "The atmosphere here is just great, people are in such a good mood, I think it's going to be a great festival," says Jennifer from Zurich.

The Law on Outdoor Weather Unwritten

The weather struck the first day of the Openair Frauenfeld Kapriolen. From heavy showers to bright sunshine, everything was included. And where the rain, the meadow and the crowd meet, the mud is not far either. But outdoor visitors were largely spared. Outside some muddy areas, the meadow absorbed the water that fell like a sponge. "Stupid that the weather is not so good, but it was actually clear.It's nice at the OpenAir St.Gallen, it can not be too good at Frauenfelder It's an unwritten law, "explains Janosch."

"Switzerland, sing with me!"

At the latest when Pharrell Williams and NERD performed the song "Drop It Like It". "Hot", festival-goers were drawn to the scene, from which moment each act fanned even more visitors, the atmosphere in front of the stage seemed to be boiling.Migos played in the pouring rain, but the fans "The concert was awesome, this atmosphere in front, you can not imagine," said Tim de Frauenfeld.The head of the poster on Thursday was also in a good mood. Switzerland, sing with me! ", Shouted J.Cole in the mike, the crowd raged and surprisingly acclaimed textichericher all the songs.The evening has ended with Skepta celebrating the opening of the festival with the tireless concertos

But the anticipation of the real pearl of the OAFF remains: Eminem. "I was born in 1988, so I can not wait to be there," says Nicolas de Berne. And with anticipation, it is not alone. A few days after the announcement of the "Rap God" at the Openair Frauenfeld, the festival was full. The expectations are high, the time that it ends up becoming Friday night.


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