Passes from England, Germany and Nigeria – Bennetts is the attacker of the three nations of Gladbach! – Bundesliga season 2017/18


Gladbach's new big tourist, 19-year-old Keanan Bennetts of U23 Tottenham Hotspur has three

England, Germany and Nigeria pass – Bennetts is the Gladbach striker.

Crazy, but true: The multicultural left foot does not only have English nationality but also German and Nigerian. Bennetts at BILD: "My mother comes from Hamburg, my father from Nigeria, but I grew up in London.When I was little, I always spoke German with my mother." At the World Cup, I was Crossed my fingers for the three teams. "

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Photo: Roland Weihrauch / dpa

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Bennetts (right) in conversation with coach Dieter Hecking, who is still on talent Photo: Roland Weihrauch / dpa

With a variety of emotions!

Benetts: "The advantage of three nations is that two are already eliminated – but with England, a team is still there – I was a fan of Germany. Hurt when Nigeria left .. Now I'm happy for England, it's really a great team with very good players. "

The decision for which Benetts wants to play himself, he always remains open: "Now comes the first step, to Gladbach It is better to start playing at the opening of the season, so there is a question about the country that I should play for seniors, I really have to worry. "Anything is possible: at U 15, he played twice for the DFB team, then ten times for the first time. England until the U19.

Why switch to the Bundesliga? Bennetts: "I did not feel that Tottenham was full of me.That's why I did not have to think twice about Borussia's request." is a dream to play in the Bundesliga soon In Gladbach, you bet on young players – that's my chance! "

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