Press release on the resignation: "Özil leaves a chaos"


"Shot on target", "a kind of reverse chauvinism" – many comments from the German media criticize the resignation of Özil. But they also underline his "turmoil".

Özil's resignation had long been prepared and left behind a "pile of shrapnel," writes the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" : "His Sunday coup will be long for many This is going to sound even more deeply in the crisis for the DFB and its president Grindel, that Oezil calls for the resignation of Özil / Erdogan, as well as the failure of the sporting disaster During the World Cup, even a bland association like the DFB could force reactions that are not only retouching: in many, not all, Ozil has exceeded the target Sunday, insinuating that openly racist Grindelwald tendencies go too far Even the massive attacks of 39 Özil vs. the media, which aim the same direction, are just as absurd as scandalous On the other hand, Oliver Bierhoff, the manager of the national team, is surprisingly good in his furious speech. "

The" Frankfurter Rundschau " writes:" It belongs to the personal life of Özil. It is tragic that he has become the most daring of his Turkish advisers, the successful election campaign of President Erdogan, the DFB in his defending title defense and a debate also motivated by an unambiguous malignity on the cash register. racism against which everyone could do without. But Mesut has always wanted to play football. "

For the newspaper " Die Welt " the photo with Erdogan showed how much Özil is torn:" And he's probably not the only German with Turkish roots that are. But confess wearing a German jersey is more than a good match. National actors are role models, especially for young people from immigration. And here, the DFB must define between hymns and a clear commitment what is required. For decades, Germans had no connection with their immigrants. Germany must clearly articulate its expectations, and every athlete who walks between cultures must decide whether he can or wants to do it. Who accepts the German passport and covers the national jersey, must know what it means to him. The Özil case has clearly demonstrated. "

" Provocative Conclusion "[194559006] The" Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger " said:" After weeks of silence, the national actor comes to the provocative conclusion that he would do today. He did everything exactly as in May, when he met the militant Erdogan with great publicity. The explanation of Özil – why in English? – He seems seductive when he refers to respect and respect for the family patrimony that his mother taught him. In truth, it speaks of a kind of reverse chauvinism. The German media would not have perceived this – its truth. Özil would have had all the time in the world to explain and confess with so much emphasis to his new homeland. "

The" Rheinische Post " argues that Özil did not understand what many people thought Erdoğan said:" During his meeting, he paid tribute to the highest political position of his family's home, and not to Erdogan as a person, he writes. This argument must alienate every citizen of the Federal Republic – with or without foreign roots. After all, it is not the office that persecutes political opponents, restricts fundamental rights and imprisons thousands of citizens without charge. It is Erdogan who uses the Bureau for anti-democratic actions. There may have been deeper reasons for Özil to accept the photo, for example the fear that his relatives, friends and property in Turkey would otherwise be threatened. But then the opinion should have been deeper. Thus, criticism will not be silent. "

" What presumption "

The portal of information " Spiegel Online " reaches a different judgment:" In Germany, however, the thought is not not predetermined, here is the freedom of expression. And this is true for AfD fans as well as for football players and many Erdogan fans who live here. You can and must discuss with them. But do not exclude them because of their positions of participation in social life. In the criticism of Özil and Gündogan swayed but from the beginning, that both athletes were denied the "German".

The "Badische Neueste Nachrichten" states: "Since mid-May, Özil had remained silent on this state affair and had undergone more harmless, even more unjust debates. They were heated and rolled up by right-wing blusterers who kept the bandage still in the cards like the Özil World Cup matches themselves. He alone is certainly not to blame for the fact that the team at no time was themselves. Özil was very late, which recently asked him the boss of the Grindel association and the manager of the Bierhoff team, as if there was more to save than their own skin in this case d & # 39; amateur. "

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