Prince Louis will be baptized next Monday in London


As soon as the excitement surrounding the marriage of Duchess Meghan (36) and Prince Harry (33) has passed, the next big royal event is coming. On Monday afternoon, Prince Louis Arthur Charles, born April 23, 2018, is baptized by Cambridge, the third child of Duchess Kate (36) and Prince William (36). According to British newspapers, a maximum of 30 guests are present in the chapel of St James Palace, television cameras are excluded. The presence of Queen Elizabeth II (92) is obviously dubious, that of her husband Prince Philip (97) for reasons of doubtful health.





             Next: Prince Charles (69) and Duchess Camilla (70) and Prince Harry (33), who attended the baptisms of Prince George (4) and Prince Charlotte (3) were missing for scheduling reasons . Then the parents of Kate Carole (63 years old) and Michael Middleton (69 years old) and her pregnant sister Pippa (34 years old) and her husband James Matthews (42 years old). The Duchess Meghan has long been a godmother, but should now be out of the race. The real names are always secret. The ex-nanny of Prince Williams Tiggy Legge-Bourke (53), the former private secretary of Williams, Miguel Head, the daughter of Camilla, Laura Lopes (40) and the ex Kate's secretary, Rebecca Priestly, are very popular.

Posted on 07.07.2018 | Updated 9 minutes ago

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