Raiffeisen has candidates running for Gantenbein – SonntagsZeitung


On November 10, Pascal Gantenbein will attend an extraordinary meeting of delegates as the new President of the Raiffeisen Group. But now members of the local cooperative are resisting the professor of finance at the University of Basel, who runs the bank temporarily since the departure of Johannes Rüegg-Stürm in March

"It's not at all clear that Gantenbein will definitely take the presidency ", it is called circles of regional associations. "We are considering other candidates." Next week, a meeting of the regional association coordination group will be held to discuss the situation.

Fredi Zwahlen, chairman of Raiffeisenbank Liestal, is one of the brains of resistance against Gantenbein. -Oberbaselbiet. He told the Bilanz economic magazine this week that among the 255 Raiffeisen banks, there was a profile of requirements for the new president, which he described as: "He must be an enterprising personality who represents a partner Strong and critical sparring for the CEO and management Gainbein does not meet any of these criteria.Gantenbein also rejects the president of a large cantonal association Raiffeisen: "I would like to have a chairman of the board who is an entrepreneur ", he says

The resistance also grows against Patrik Gisel

With the research The new president is in charge of the nomination committee of the board of directors.The regional associations participate in the selection of the new chair through a group of six members, according to a member of the selection committee, the process takes place in two stages: the Nominating Committee and the Monitoring Group review the candidates. Then, they propose a unique president to the delegates' assembly. Say, delegates will not choose from multiple candidates in November. A combat election should be avoided. Otherwise, it would hardly be possible for Raiffeisen to find real heavyweights as candidates. Because no one will openly oppose Gantenbein, who can be submitted to the delegates' assembly.

The opposition is also developing against the head of the bank, Patrik Gisel. He is not only overwhelmed by the close relationship with Pierin Vincenz of which he was the deputy for 15 years, but also the debacle with the new Avaloq software for Raiffeisen banks. It will take much longer than planned for the launch, costing at least 575 million francs instead of 500. In July, some Raiffeisen banks must now test the software. If the test succeeds, however, is uncertain, as the insiders say. In addition to their own computer scientists, over fifty specialists from Accenture are finally trying to make the software work.

Apparently an old acquaintance

For the Raiffeisen representatives, it is clear: the attempt fails, Gisel is no longer tenable as a boss. Because unlike the Vincenz case it is his project. He chose the software that was not designed for the complicated structure of Raiffeisen. And he used the project manager, apparently an old friend and not a man with Avaloq skills.

Indirectly, the choice of Gantenbein depends on the result of the computer debacle. Because he's so clearly behind Gisel that his choice would be unthinkable if the bank's director in the coming months go. (SonntagsZeitung)

created: 30.06.2018, 20:16

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