Referee reveals new details on Zidane's head


The referee reveals new details about Zidane's head against Materazzi after 12 years

It's one of the most famous scenes in the history of football: the France superstar Zinedine Zidane faces Italian defender Marco Materazzi Without seeing the playmaker, the French finally lose 3: 5 on penalties.

Zidane's head shot gif: youtube

Argentina's Horacio Elizondo of Argentina had not even seen the assassination of Zidane himself. not the linesmen either. "I saw Materazzi suddenly at 40 meters 50 meters from the square, so I stopped the game and asked my assistants what happened." Surprisingly, both said: "We did not see anything," says Elizondo 12 years after the incident via "TED Talk."

However, TV screens showed the referee before the red card. Of his line judges, why did he put Zidane aside, if no one banged his head?

In France, it is still believed today that only the Video review of the fourth referee led to Zidane's conviction, so his head thrust is widely regarded as the first unofficial application of video evidence on the land of the current world champion.

But the fourth Spanish official, Luis Medina Cantalejo, saw the assassination of his own eyes and communicated with Elizondo: "Terrible, Zidane Materazzi Zidane gave Materazzi a header. If you see the video, you will not believe me.

Elizondo confirms the radio traffic and describes the moments preceding the deportation: "When I went to both, I already had all the information and I knew that I was showing red Zidane would have been. "If the fourth official had not been so, the story could have been very different 12 years ago … (pre)

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