Savings bank clients can soon transfer money in seconds


Frankfurt From July 10th, many savings bank clients will be able to go very quickly: their online bank transfer will reach the recipient in seconds, even if they are not. they wish it. Indeed, nearly 400 savings banks in Germany have access to technology that allows real-time transfers, called instant payments. "The Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe is the first group of institutions in Germany to offer real-time transfers" from the German savings bank Giroverbandes (DSGV), Helmut Schleweis, the German news agency. "Our customers can use it to transfer money in seconds – simply and securely."

Several Sparkassen are implementing the instant payment option in mid-July, others will follow in August or later this year. As a result, a few weeks ago, their clients received mail, with which the savings banks announced a change in their price and service directory. Because who chooses a real-time bank transfer in online banking in the future, has to pay for many savings banks. On the other hand, their money transfer application via smartphone, "Kwitt", offers free instant payments since December

For example, Frankfurter Sparkasse and Nassauische Sparkasse für Instant Payment do not charge additional fees to customers, you have to pay for other pay houses For example, the Stadtsparkasse München has 50 cents, and the Sparkasse Hannover even has two euros. Other banks require savings, depending on the account model, fees or not.

This also applies to the Hypo-Vereinsbank (HVB), which makes instant payments since November, making it the first and only bank in Germany to do so.

Popular banks and Raiffeisen, for example, want to create the technical basis to be available for real – time bank transfers by the end of November. Only from next year, customers of financial institutions can then even gradually use instant payment.

Real-time remittances have been standardized in Europe since November, with amounts limited to 15,000 euros. Real time means that the transfer amount must be credited to the recipient's account within ten seconds. Today, it usually takes a day of work.

Instant Payment only works if the Payor and Recipient Banks use the new Uniform Standard. Up to now, 22 European banks belong to this system.

Lightning transfers are already offered by credit institutions today, but they are expensive. Customers sometimes have to pay ten euros and can only order them at the bank counter.

The fact that so few financial institutions offer instant payments in Germany must first be due to the fact that the benefit to customers is limited. costs. "For businesses, instant pay is interesting because it allows them to accurately plan their liquidity, but less for private customers," says Bernd-Josef Kohl of IT services provider GFT, specializing in the financial sector. "Introducing instant bank transfers means investing in IT at the same time for banks, as they have to adapt and, to a large extent, modernize their backend for implementation."

Interesting for businesses, less for private customers a day of payment, instant payment is only useful in a few cases today. It is conceivable, for example, that you do not pay in cash when buying a car, but by real-time transfer. The seller can then see directly on his smartphone that the money has been credited to his account.

It would also be possible to pay a ticket, subscribe to a subscription or an auction in seconds – and immediately obtain a ticket, subscription or property.

The Bundesbank is waiting for real-time transfers. "Such procedures are already underway in Denmark and Sweden, they are mainly based on smartphone apps and are very popular," said Carl-Ludwig Thiele, who belonged to the central bank's board of directors until the end of April, recently the Handelsblatt. "For the economy, the acceleration of payments means a simplified management of liquidity and a reduction of risks." Even in the trade in Online and in-store, new payment options could arise, he estimates, the money of the Internet era, "said Helmut Schleweis, president of German Sparkassen and Giroverband, in February. In the medium term, this will make many payment procedures superfluous, but for now, the question of what it might look like is not yet clear.

HVB is also convinced that the payment snapshot will impose com me a new standard in the future, says the director responsible for the bank, Thomas Dusch. In any case, the bank wants to charge more customers for real-time transfers.

"We use the startup phase to discover more applications in collaboration with business customers," says Dusch. The mother of HVB, the Italian bank Unicredit, also offers an immediate payment.

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