Scary WhatsApp contact terrifies thousands of Germans


  • WhatsApp's "Momo" contact was mischievous in the courier service for several weeks
  • He is supposed to send spooky messages and scare people around the world, as seen in the video above.

WhatsApp contact suddenly appears in the phone. The profile picture: a funny deformed face. The name: Momo. The first impression: scary.

In recent weeks, he has shuddered as well as anyone who has come into contact with Momo. Who is he exactly? The internet community is confusing.

There is talk of a disturbing contact from WhatsApp who allegedly indiscriminately wrote people and sent scary messages. According to reports, he allegedly sent images of murderers and described that he himself was dead – apparently a touch of the beyond.

This is how Momo imagines: Eyes emerging from the caves, a scary smile. Angles of mouth that reach the cheekbones. An image that thrills people.

Contact really exists

Creepy, right? Momo is now a hit on the internet. Thousands seem to see the occasion of a test of courage.

Word has learned around the Net that WhatsApp users are supposed to write messages to the mysterious contact behind Momo, especially at night. It is only when the "kick" comes and thousands are doing it already.

Some YouTube videos show that Momo responds, sends voice messages to users, or even calls them. But many things did not happen after that.

Except for a rustling and whistling you hear nothing, they say. In the news, Momo continues to write "I'm dead" or "I've got all your data."

The only number that continues to appear on the net comes from Japan, and now everyone can add it – and apparently many have done it.

Who's behind?

The accompaniment image scares the viewer at the first moment, but of course there is no one behind it

It shows the head of a sculpture made by Link Factory in Japan and exhibited in 2016 in an art gallery in Tokyo.

After the first appearance of Momo in Spain, the phenomenon is now spreading in Germany. Some young people have already dared to take the test of courage and put the results online.

In a video, the contact seems to write to a girl. The horrible news: "I can find you." So apparently Momo calls him too. There are crackles in the background.

Just a fake?

WhatsApp shows that Momo was online for the last time on July 11, 2018. So many people have already contacted the number that Momo is simply overwhelmed or the number has been blocked.

Because if the allegations are correct and Momo sent photos and threats of murder, it may be that some users could have reported, so he could have been suspended.

YouTube videos online after July 11 prove that Momo is still active

Criminal Attacks?

One thing is clear: of course, this is not beyond, much more likely is that someone has allowed a morbid fun.

However, there are concerns of the Spanish police. This warned netizens on Twitter before the Momo phenomenon. Behind, there could be cyber criminals who want to access WhatsApp user data .

It could also encourage other criminals to copy.

Momo has not responded to a message from the HuffPost editorial team for hours. Maybe around midnight everyone starts to haunt – because there is, as everyone knows, the witches' hour.

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