Schaffhausen has the highest rate of vaccination against ticks in children


They bite unusually often this year: ticks. By mid-July, 226 people have already contracted the dangerous tick-borne encephalitis virus. It's only 43 less than last year. Especially in the high-risk area of ​​Schaffhausen, a region where the probability of developing TBE is particularly high, carriers of the disease are hiding (see box). One way to protect yourself, is a vaccine against TBE dar virus.

In fact, now to show for the first time figures: In the canton of Schaffhausen, the number of those who vaccinate against the virus, has increased significantly. Nowhere else in Switzerland do eight-year-olds get vaccinated like in Schaffhausen. Last year, it was 55% of all eight year olds. And: The value has increased massively, in 2005, only 15% were vaccinated in the same age group.

The data on TBE vaccinations are even available, it is not obvious, as Martina Wettstein of the health department of the canton of Schaffhausen says: the health authorities do not collect data. It's a personal decision. Fortunately, in recent years, in collaboration with the University of Zurich and its Institute of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention, we have conducted a study on vaccination of children in the canton. The client was the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH). Wettstein explains the procedure as follows: "We contacted the parents and asked them to indicate the entries on their children's vaccination certificates." The response rate is very high at 95%, so the study is representative.

Data for children aged 2 and 16 were also collected. While toddlers are not vaccinated against TBE, so there is no data, the 16-year-olds show the same trend as children: Schaffhausen's parents have their teenagers vaccinated more and more against children. TBE. Last year, 64% of all 16-year-olds were vaccinated in the canton of Schaffhausen. There were only 29% in Switzerland. In comparison, in 2005, only 22% of Schaffhausen peers had been vaccinated against the virus (8% nationally). Since then, the vaccination rate in Schaffhausen has been steadily increasing. In this age group, even more adolescents were vaccinated in the cantons of Zurich (71%), Thurgau (69%) and Uri (69%) that Schaffhausen. These cantons are also considered as risk areas

"Inoculate risk groups"

The increase in the vaccination rate of Schaffhausen could be explained by the fact that the danger of FSME in the High-risk area of ​​Schaffhausen has penetrated the popular consciousness. Many doctors are talking more and more to their patients about the importance of vaccination. The former cantonal doctor of Schaffhausen, Jürg Häggi, for example, usually advises preventive vaccination TBE. He recently told SN that he "started early to vaccinate vulnerable groups such as foresters and customs officers." Thus, people who spend more time in the wild are adequately protected in the canton of Schaffhausen. If you are not vaccinated, you can not treat TBE after, according to Häggi. The BAG also recommends vaccinating against the TBE virus.

"Practically affected by Switzerland as a whole"

High-risk areas such as Schaffhausen are constantly expanding, said Christoph Berger, chairman of the Federal Commission on Vaccinations yesterday. SRF aired "This morning". "Soon, the hazard map indicates that, besides Ticino, almost all of Switzerland is affected." His proposal: a vaccination recommendation that applies to the whole of Switzerland. A working group will now analyze the situation and make a recommendation to the FOPH. An extension of the vaccination recommendation would have effects on the health insurance companies. Today, they should only take the vaccine for people living or staying temporarily in a risk area. From Bergers' point of view, a Swiss vaccination recommendation would also be the right one, as the number of difficult cases increases every year. Schaffhauser pharmacies offer TBE vaccinations

Schaffhauser pharmacies have been able to administer three vaccines for two years: against influenza, hepatitis and tick-borne encephalitis (TBE). The cantonal ordinance on corrective measures of 5 July 2016 stipulates that pharmacists holding a corresponding certificate of competence may obtain an authorization from the Ministry of the Interior. This permit allows pharmacies to vaccinate people over 16 years of age.

"Easy Vaccination"

You can also get vaccinated in the Apotheke Ritter in the old town of Schaffhausen. Since this year, the CEO Peter Toscano has a corresponding license. "We are happy that you can easily get vaccinated at a pharmacy," he says. So, for example, looking for doctor's appointments. Especially when people spend a lot of time outside, the issue of ticks would be the focus. "Just recently, I removed a tick from a woman, I disinfected her and gave her advice," says Toscano

. To become immune to TBE, a patient must receive three vaccines. The second should take place one month after the first vaccination and the third half a year later. After five years, the TBE vaccine must be renewed. "We still have a lot of information to do," says Toscano. This year, he has vaccinated more than 20 people. (dmu)

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