Selecta argues with the Bund for the prohibition of night work


If you are thirsty for a sip of water in the middle of the night on your way home, you often end up at the Selecta machine. But in big train stations, there is often nothing to do for this time. Water – the most popular Selecta product – is often sold. Employees only fill machines in the morning.

It does not only bother thirsty night owls, but also the Selecta. The company wants to reload the vending machines when the need actually makes them feel the most. And this is the case in busy stations between three and four o'clock in the morning.

But the company of automata is not allowed to do it. The reason is the ban on night work, as reported by "Switzerland on weekends".

Selecta examines the referral to a federal court

Against the decision of the State Secretariat for the Economy (Seco), Selecta filed a complaint with the Federal Administrative Court. Not succeeded. Now the company is even considering a referral to the Federal Court.

Schützenhilfe receives Selecta from CFF. It would be convenient for the machines not to be recharged during the rush hour. Because the Selecta employees on the narrow Perrons bother commuters.

Selecta also argues that the APG display company is allowed to hang his posters at night. In addition, service station shops would also have opened at night.

However, the Federal Administrative Court could not convince all of this. To be treated like a service station, the faucet is missing. A comparison with the APG is not allowed as their employees would need a ladder and a car. And finally, there is not only water in the Selecta machine. (lha)

Published on 14.07.2018 | Last update 22 minutes ago

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