Sexual assault? Serious allegations against Luc Besson


The famous film industry, the movie public loves his stripes – but the new allegations against Luc Besson could really hurt his career. Several women accuse him.

The French news portal "Mediapart" reports that star director Luc Besson has been accused of multiple sexual assaults on three women. One of them is a woman who has worked for many years as a casting director for the filmmaker. According to Luc Besson, he repeatedly kissed the 49-year-old man against his will and touched him. The allegations that the director asked his colleague to perform oral sex are noisy. Meanwhile, the prosecutor should have been informed.

It is said that this woman is not the only victim of sexual assault by the Frenchman. Another employee would have come too close to Luc Besson – Grabschereien and kisses included. In her, the director was playing the same game as her other victim, they say. As a result, he should have encouraged him to become intimate with him.

More and more women speak

The third woman is an actress after the information "Mediapart", which would have been mastered by Luc Besson in his hotel room. He said that he was thrown on it. "He listened when you said no, but you never relaxed because you are afraid that he will do it again, and every time he moves on to something else," quoted Mediapart, quoted by Europa-Corp Collègue

 It started: The actress Sand van Roy (right) made heavy accusations against Luc Besson. (Source: imago) It started: The actress Sand van Roy (r.) Made serious allegations against Luc Besson. (Source: imago)

Seven weeks ago already, actress Sand Van Roy Their claim: The 59-year-old teenager drugged her and raped her at a meeting in a hotel in Paris, said the police, with no trace of chemical substance, he added.

Besson said that "allegations come from the realm of fantasy." The star allegations are also said to be the star of the movie.

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