Shitstorm vs. Insatiable: Netflix poses big problems with its new series


Los Angeles –

The new "Insatiable" series of Netflix stirs: More than 130,000 people signed a petition at the address to request the stoppage of the series

The reason: shame, the series is meant to expose the overweight. "Insatiable" is about a young woman named Patty who, after a dramatic weight loss, has one mission: to avenge all the former classmates who teased her and intimidated her for their appearance.

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critics say: The series thus mediates a harmful diet culture, the female body becomes an object.

The message is that as a girl, you must meet the external demands of men, be popular and sought after. Say, you must be skinny.

The discussion reminds you "Dead girls do not lie"

The heated debate recalls the series "Dead girls do not lie": At the time, critics said that the series would encourage Suicidal intentions juveniles would be a "time bomb" (more here).

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The same emotionally charged debate on "Insatiable" now leads to the complete cessation of this series. The defense comes from the main actress Debbie Ryan (25): "We show something that is the reality. Even if it is difficult and scary to people. I hope that fans will at least watch the show before evaluating it. "

The launch date is officially August 10.

(mg / ds)

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